
Tuesday 7 April 2020

“As there are fewer human bodies compare to the animals, it becomes easier to be reborn as an animal than a human being.”

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

13 December 2023

“As there are fewer human bodies compare to the animals, it becomes easier to be reborn as an animal than a human being.”

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“When you listen to Dhamma talks, you’ll learn something that you haven’t heard before especially about the benefits that you can get from studying Buddhism and the benefits of becoming a human being. You must be a human being to be able to study the teachings of the Buddha. And if you happen to be born in the time where there is the teachings of the Buddha, this is a very fortunate occasion. This occasion rarely happens because the enlightenment of a Buddha only happens once in a very long long time. It takes many million years for someone to become an enlightened Buddha, who come to the world and teach the Dhamma.

Furthermore, our birth as a human being is not easy if you compare to the births of animals because there are more animals on this earth than human beings. You need a human body to create another human body. 

As there are fewer human bodies compare to the animals, it becomes easier to be reborn as an animal than a human being.

Besides that, you can also be reborn to become a spiritual being first before you can become a human being. It’s because when you are born as a human being, you might do good and bad kamma, so when you die, you have to go and pay your kamma first. If you do good kamma, you will become a spiritual being that has a lot of happiness, which is called as a being in heaven or an angel. If you do bad kamma, you will become a spiritual being that have a lot of suffering, which is called as a being in hell. These are the state of mind that you have to go before you can come and take a human birth.

In each human birth, you are not guaranteed that you will meet the Buddha or his teachings. So, in this life time, it’s a great fortune that you are born as a human being and you come across the teachings of the Buddha. Only human being can appreciate and gain the benefits of listening to the Dhamma talks. This is basically what you should be thankful for and the reason that you should try to make use of this fortunate occasion as best as possible by concentrating on the study of the Buddha’s teachings.”

Youtube: “Dhamma in English, Dec 9, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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