
Monday, 23 March 2020

“Right now the Buddha is still happy. His spiritual part is still happy.”

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

8 November 2023

“Right now the Buddha is still happy. His spiritual part is still happy.”

“The spiritual part of life is never destroyed. It’s your physical part that is destroyed. Once your physical part is destroyed, your spiritual part can exist without the physical part. Then, when the right time comes, you will get a new physical body again. This world is not the only world where it can support the physical body. 

There are plenty of other worlds in this universe which we still don’t know.

Our spiritual part can go to any part of the universe without having to use a rocket. The spiritual part can go by the speed of thought. So, there are always physical world with spiritual beings possessing the physical body.

Physical body is temporary. It can only exist for a few years and then it dies. Then the spiritual part of us will go and look for a new physical body. This goes on and on until we meet an enlightened person like the Buddha. The Buddha said that we don’t need to have physical bodies and we don’t need to have material things to make us happy. We can be happy by meditating.

So, once you know how to meditate, then you don’t have to have anything to make you happy. You can just meditate and it can make you happy. Then, you don’t have to be reborn again. You don’t have to have a new body because having a new body is a burden. You have to feed the body. You have to look after the body. You have to pay the price when the body gets old, gets sick, and dies. It’s better not to have a body and yet you can still be happy.

Right now the Buddha is still happy. His spiritual part is still happy. He doesn’t need the physical part/body to make him happy. However for us, we still need physical parts because we don’t know how to meditate. 

We thought that the only way to make us happy is to have a body, so that we can go travel and have fun. But if we know how to meditate, then we don’t have to travel. We don’t have to go to movies, to bars or to restaurants to make us happy. We can just meditate and be happy. The world will live in peace and this is what life is if everybody takes up meditation. Nobody has to compete for the material things.” 

From:  “Dhamma in English to layperson from Austria, Jan 15, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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