
Thursday 19 October 2017

What is the feeling of being enlightened? By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

“What is the feeling of being enlightened?”

Sāmaṇera I don’t understand why monks cannot touch women?

Than Ajahn: To prevent the sexual desire to arise. When you touch a woman, the desire can arise and then you might not be able to stop it.  And if you do something with a woman, you have to be considered to be disrobed.  You cannot remain as a monk or a novice.  
A monk and a woman are like electricity, positive and negative charge.  When they come together, they’re attracted to each other.  So, you have to stay away from women.  No touch.  Not even looking.  If you happened to look, you should look away. When you see a woman, try not to look at her.  Try to ignore her.  Don’t see her.  

Sāmaṇera Are there other monks who have reached enlightenment after the Buddha?

Than Ajahn:  Yes.  

SāmaṇeraAre there a lot of them or just a few?

Than Ajahn:  There is no statistics which counts how many are there. But there are very few monks who are enlightened, and they are very hard to find. Do you believe that there are still monks who can be enlightened?  

Sāmaṇera I don’t know. It’s strange.

Than Ajahn:  Why?

Sāmaṇera I would like to hear what they say.

Than Ajahn:  What do you want to hear from them?  

SāmaṇeraWhat is the feeling of being enlightened?

Than Ajahn:  You can hear about it from the Buddha.  He said, ‘If you’re enlightened, you’ll be happy’. You will have no sorrow, no sadness. You will always be happy 24 hours a day. ‘Nibbānaṁ paramaṁ sukhaṁ.’  Nibbāna is the state of enlightenment.  When the mind becomes enlightened, it becomes pure, it has no defilements: no greed, hatred, delusion.  When the mind is without greed, hatred, and delusion, the mind will be very happy and will have no sadness. 

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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