
Sunday 22 October 2017

Funeral Service

Funeral Service

Family members of Bro.....,
Bros and sisters in the Dhamma,

We gather here tonight to Honour the memory and celebrate the life of Bro......
The Buddha assures that a person who has cultivated moral virtues and led a righteous life need not entertain fears. He explained the situation with the help of a simile. If a pot of ghee is broken after being submerged in water, the potsherds will sink to the riverbed, but the ghee will rise to the surface. Similarly, the body will disintegrate, but the cultured mind will rise up like the ghee to a good rebirth.

Dear Brother/Sisters,
Let us pay Homage to the Buddha our Teacher,

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhasa
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhasa
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhasa

Let us take Refuge in the Triple Gems.

Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi   .....

please Recall that bro ....  had taken refuge in the Buddha,
This is the foremost refuge, the greatest of jewels.
By this truth, may he and the family have peace and comfort.
Recall that bro ....    had taken refuge in the Dhamma,
the greatest of Medicines.
By this Truth, may he and the family have peace of Mind.
Recall that bro ...      had taken refuge in the Noble Sangha,
the best field of Merits.
He had supported them well,
By this truth, may the family have peace of mind and comfort of body knowing that his life is well lived.

Let us remind ourselves of the strength of our Refuges
To life's end and until Final Emancipation, we go to the Buddha for Refuge
To life's end and until Final emancipation, we go to the Dhamma for refuge
To life's end and until Final emancipation, we go to the Sangha for refuge!
We have No other Refuge, but
the Buddha,
the Dhamma and
the Sangha!
By this truth,
May we be Blessed always.
Let us now Chant the Metta Sutta together to remind us of the Unconditional Love taught to us by the Buddha


Let us recall that The Body is but a vehicle for the Awakening of our Minds.
To the path of Enlightenment as taught by the Buddha do we dedicate this body and this life of ours.
We will fare with reverence for the Awakening as taught by the Buddha.
Life after life, may we have the conditions and the teachers to help us walk this Noble Path.
Until we reach Nibbana,
May we never be far from the Triple Gem.
When our time has come and impermanence and illnesses have caught up with our bodies,
When the breath ceases, and the body and mind go their separate ways,
May we not experience delusion, attachment, and clinging,
but have peace, calmness, and faith in the Buddha Dhamma.


While the dates on a tombstone
States the Birth to the Death
What matters most of all
Is the dash between those years
For that dash represents all the time
That one had spent alive on earth.
And now only those who know and loved bro..........
Know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not how much we own;
The cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we lived and loved
And how we spent our dash.


Let us recall the
Merits of bro........
The taking of Refuge in the Triple Gem is of Great Merits,
Through the power of the Merits produced, and
by his and our reverence for the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha,
May his and our minds be at peace.
We have given offerings to the Sangha,
We have kept the 5 Precepts,
We have supported the sasana,
helped the poor and the needy,
We have NOT done what will lead to future distress.
We are established in the Dhamma of the Buddha,
By the power of this Truth,
May we all have Peace and comfort,
May bro.... have a good rebirth.
Let us suffuse our Minds with Metta, radiating it in all directions to all beings and to bro ........
May all suffering beings be without pain,
May all in sorrow be without sorrow,
May all beings be happy and well.
By the power of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha,
May bro .....,
May his family and loved ones be at peace and be well.
Let us sing this hymn:


Let us recall the Truths of Life
There is much Happiness in life,
but there is also much stress and dissatisfaction.
We know that life can be sometimes hard,
and suffering common to all.
Like the ever-flowing waters of a river,
life has its moments of drought and its moments of flood.
It also has the soothing calm of a slow stream
and the piercing roars of its rapids.
And the Buddha Dhamma teaches all these truths well,
we will let go what cannot be held,
accept peacefully what that is inevitable,
and find peace within ourselves.
The Buddha Dhamma is able to lift us from the fatigue of despair
to the buoyancy of hope and knowledge
and transform dark and desolate valleys
into sunlit paths of inner peace.


The road ahead
With our Refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha,
we know where we are going
we see the road ahead of us.
and we know for certain where it will end.
Bro ..... knows these Truths well,
The family can be at peace.
We trust in the Buddha Dhamma,
for we know it to be true by direct experience,
though we may be in the shadow of death, we do not fear,
for our wholesome kamma is ever with us
and our guardian devas will accompany us.
We face the future and the beyond with Confidence and Calmness.


Brother/Sisters in the Dhamma,
Family members of bro.......,
May the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha always be with you.
May the Dhamma encourage you,
lift you from your pain and discomfort,
and give you the strength of faith, hope, wisdom and love,
and always show you the way.


Life never ends.
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.

Let us sing this hymn:  Life never Dies

Let us invite bro/sister ... to deliver his/her eulogy.
Let us now gather around the coffin and

1. Seek the forgiveness of bro .....  for whatever deeds that we had done in body, speech and Mind that may have offended him

2. Bro......
if there was any deed that you had done by Body, speech and mind that may have offended anyone of us, we forgive you

Bros and sisters in the Dhamma
let us now in a single unified voice and a heart full of Metta, Chant the Blessings of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha for the the well being of Bro...., that he may have a good rebirth and continue his cultivation of the Noble Path until the Final Peace of Nibbana.

Bhavatu sabba-maṅgalaṃ
Rakkhantu sabba-devatā
May there be every blessing. May all heavenly beings protect you.

Sadā sotthī bhavantu te.
Through the power of all the Buddhas, may you always be well.

Bhavatu sabba-maṅgalaṃ
Rakkhantu sabba-devatā
May there be every blessing. May all heavenly beings protect you.

Sadā sotthī bhavantu te.
Through the power of all the Dhammas, may you always be well.

Bhavatu sabba-maṅgalaṃ
Rakkhantu sabba-devatā
May there be every blessing. May all heavenly beings protect you.

Sadā sotthī bhavantu te.
Through the power of all the Saṅghas, may you always be well.
Let us now end the service with the Sharing of Merits.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

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