
Friday 27 October 2017

Ānandajoti Bhikkhu blog

Ānandajoti Bhikkhu

Following on from my previous post: I came across this very fine photoblog, many of which come from the cave temples in western India:

This verse, originally spoken by Ven Aśvajit to Upatiṣya (later Ven. Śāriputra), became the most famous summary of the Buddha’s teaching during the Middle Ages. Taken one way it summarises Pratityasamutpāda (Conditional Origination), and in another it summarises the first three noble truths (Āryāsatya).
It was enshrined in Chaityas as a relic, written beneath statues and in inscriptions and even used as a mantra.
I give the version in Sanskrit here, from a translation of Arthaviniścayasūtram, which I am presently working on.
Ānandajoti Bhikkhu

For the context of this verse in the Pali texts, see here:

Khru Ba Sriwichai, the Thai Engineer Monk
Posted by Ānandajoti on Monday, 19th September, 2016

An updated edition of the collection of Buddhist Wisdom Verses, together with a new recording.

At IBC we will be doing the traditional Thai Abhidhamma chanting in commemoration of His Majesty the King for the next month. I have just published the text and translation on Ancient Buddhist Texts. Others who wish to join us can download and print.
Ānandajoti Bhikkhu

I have made a new map illustrating the Asokan Missions, together with the stories embedded in each location:
Ānandajoti Bhikkhu

A short illustrated talk on the significance of the Full Moon Day in December:

Publication of Dharma-Sangraha, The Dharma Collection

Publication of the Entrance into the Light of the Dharma

I decided to write up our experiences at the various sites we are visiting in India, see my new blog:

Although Sanchi is best known for its stupas, and rightly so, given their excellence, it was also a major site for temples and monasteries. Here is a view of the best preserved temple, with monastic quarters around it. Inside is a large and ancient Buddha Statue. 

A new album photographed at some of the earliest (4th-5th c.) 
Hindu caves in India is just published:

I am now working on the large collection of photographs taken at Sanchi. 
The first to be published are of Stupa no. 3, which includes a good gateway or torana. 

Sanchi is best known for the the gateways (toranas) surrounding Stupa no 1. This is the west gate, with explanations of some of the stories illustrated:

Because of the difference in lighting when taking the photos I have had to publish some albums in B&W to even out the differences. The South Gate, however, I am publishing in colour, together with descriptions of the scenes, 

Over the past couple of months I have published around 1,500 photographs from the trip I made to India earlier in the year. All these photos can be downloaded in high-definition and reused in any way you see fit – they are a gift of Dhamma to people everywhere. There are now over 12,000 photos on my website: 

My book of translations from the Anguttara Commentary telling the Stories of the Foremost Nuns has just been published by Phor Kark See in Singapore, and will be available at Vesak. It includes their biographies, teachings and verses as recorded in the Pali tradition. The materials for the book can be found here:

For the past couple of weeks I have been converting my Photo Dharma website to a new design with higher quality photographs. Last night I uploading 26,000 remade photos to the site, and it is now live: 

For those who want to read a full report, there is a blog post here:

84 Guan Yin Statues, Wat Tham Khao Rup Chang, Songkhla, Thailand
Direct link:

A new dual-language book is published telling the Life of the Buddha, along with photographs of the panels illustrating the story at Borobudur. 

Direct link: 
Indonesia Blog:

This verse was spoken about Angulimālā, and the photo is of his large stūpa in Śrāvasti. 
His story is here:
By Ānandajoti Bhikkhu

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