
Wednesday 3 January 2024

The Teachings of Luang Phor Suchart Apichato.

The Teachings of Luang Phor Suchart Apichato.

10 January 2024

For the people who come to be ordained, the Lord Buddha instructed them in “Sila, Samadhi and Panya” (morality, concentration and wisdom). He did not emphasise on Dana because Dana [stage] has already been passed. 

People who come to be ordained, each person has to perform Dana at an earlier stage. They will have to give up their property, belongings, money, also relinquishing their family, their husbands, their wives, abandoning all windfall, ranks or positions, honours etc. 

They have come all the way to become someone dependent on alms, to go on pindabat, to maintain their life, to feed their stomach. They do not go around in search of money to tamboon, to do Dana, this is not the duty of the Phra Bhikkhu.

If you come to ordain, then start setting a target and searching for silver and gold to start constructing buildings, hospitals, schools, or start building bohts (ubosots), chedis (stupas), this is considered a wrong objective. 

Coming to ordain as a monastic, we have to focus on practising the Dhamma. Practising to follow the path that will lead to liberation from suffering. That is, to practice “Sila, Samadhi and Panya”. 

But after reaching the goal, and after arriving at the destination at the end of the path, attaining to Phra Arahantship, and at this time devotees would like to tamboon and offer silver, gold, and all sorts of things. 

Then one takes these things offered in faith by the devotees to perform Dana. 

[The important thing] is that these things come by themselves, and not one going out in search of these. 

The silver, gold come by themselves, through the power of the Dhamma. 

The different Kruba Ajaans they help the world in accordance with their own dispositions. Not all of them are the same. 

Some help the world by building hospitals. 

Others help by establishing schools. Some of them help the poor and needy…

Luang Phor Suchart Apichato

Wat Yannasangwararam, Chonburi

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

YouTube:  Dhamma in English. 

Cr. พุทโธ

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