
Wednesday 31 January 2024

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart

13 February 2024

Question : When a person is going to die, will he or she know?

Phra Ajahn :  Well, do you know when you’re going die? Usually, most people don’t know, except for those who are highly developed persons, like the Buddha and the arahants. 

Sometimes, they can see when they’re going die. Like the Buddha, he told Venerable Ananda that he (the Buddha) will die in 3 months’ time. So, some people know when they are going to die. Some people don’t know. 

It depends on their mental abilities.

Dhamma in English, Aug 16, 2020.

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Question :  Before one’s last breath, will the body be definitely tensed even if he/she is a practitioner?

Phra Ajahn :  Whether the body is tensed or not is depending on the mind. If the mind is still attached to the body, the body can become tensed. Because the tension comes from the mind, from the attachment of the mind to the body. If the mind doesn’t attach to the body, the mind is equanimous, calm and peaceful, then the body will not be tensed. 

Question :  Will the mind still be in the body after the last breath?

Phra Ajahn :  As soon as the body stops functioning, the connection that the mind is connected to is disconnected. The mind doesn’t stay in the body. The mind is connected by the viññāṇas.

Question :  If the mind still stays in the body after one’s died, when will the mind be gone?

Phra Ajahn :  The mind will never be gone in terms of its existence. The mind will be separated from the body. 

But mind will continue on. It lives as a spiritual being and lives depending on the quality of the mind. If the mind is purified, like the Buddha and his noble disciples, then the mind will not reconnect with a new body. But if the mind is not purified, if the mind still has the 3 cravings: craving for sensual gratification, craving for being, and craving for non-being, then the mind will eventually reconnect with a new body.

Dhamma in English, Jun 13, 2020.

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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