
Tuesday 30 January 2024

Listening to a Dhamma talk can be a very profitable experience because there are five benefits to be gained

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

19 August 2024

Listening to a Dhamma talk can be a very profitable experience because there are five benefits to be gained namely:

1. The listener will hear of things not heard before.

2. Have better understanding of what have been heard before.

3. Have correct views.

4. Dispel doubts and skepticism.

5. Have peace of mind.

This is because the Dhamma teaching of the Buddha is cool like cool water, refreshing and cool. When we read or listen to the Dhamma teaching, we will feel cool, calm, and peaceful. 

While listening to a Dhamma talk, it is essential for us to be attentive and receptive. 

Do not try to memorize everything the speaker says. Just concentrate on listening. 

Be attentive to the sound of his voice that flows into our ears. Think of what he is saying. What we understand, we will remember. 

What we do not understand, we will not remember. But that doesn’t matter. It is impossible to remember everything each time we listen because the speaker covers a wide range of topics. We should just listen. 

What we understand will be useful for us. 

When we understand something profoundly we will say “I see!” By listening repeatedly, again and again, we can gain better understanding of things previously not understood by us, and consequently eliminate doubts in our mind, and help us gain a correct view of the world.

“Sensual Pleasures Are Painful”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

YouTube:  Dhamma in English.

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