
Sunday 17 May 2020

“Setbacks in life.”

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

7 June 2024

“Setbacks in life.”

Question“Why are there many setbacks in life, one after another despite one’s continuous efforts to cultivate merits, such as through meditation, practicing dāna etc.?”

Than Ajahn:  “Setbacks come because of your desires. 

You want something and you cannot get it, so you say it is a setback. So what you should do is to eliminate your desire and just do as much as you can; just be contented with whatever you get, then there will be no setbacks.

If today you can sit for ten minutes, just be contented with that. Tomorrow you can sit for 30 minutes, just be contented with that. Whatever you do, just don’t have any desire that you must do it, you must accomplish it. 

Otherwise, you will feel disappointed if you cannot accomplish it.

You have to acknowledge that there are many factors in your life that you cannot avoid, prevent, manage, or control. They can be the causes for your setbacks, so you have to accept that this is normal in life. Whatever you do, you cannot always get what you want. 

Sometimes you can, sometimes you can’t.

So if you don’t get what you want, don’t be discouraged. Just accept that it is part of life and move on. So long as you keep moving, keep on doing good, keep on practicing according to the Lord Buddha’s teaching, eventually you will get to where you want to go. You have to be patient.”

“Dhamma for the Asking, Vol.2”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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