
Monday 25 May 2020

“During time of crisis such as the time that we are facing right now, the Buddha said that the most important thing is the mind.”*

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

17 July 2024

“During time of crisis such as the time that we are facing right now, the Buddha said that the most important thing is the mind.”
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Question:  Can Than Ajahn please give words of advice to all of us during this very challenging time when many of us are stressed out, fear of losing income and afraid of all the negative uncertainties that can happen?

Than Ajahn:  During time of crisis such as the time that we are facing right now, the Buddha said that the most important thing is the mind. If you can keep the mind calm, peaceful and happy, then the crisis will not hurt you. It comes and it will go away. Whatever happens, you cannot prevent it from happening. 

Even the body, if it is the time for it to get sick, you can’t prevent it from not happening. But you can face it in a happy and peaceful way, in a way that you will not be hurt by the crisis. 

What you need to do is to meditate – using mindfulness meditation to calm your mind. 

Stop your mind from thinking about the virus that is currently spreading. Consider it like a storm that you can’t prevent it from coming. 

However, you can prevent your mind from the storm destroying you by learning how to meditate with mindfulness. 

Mindfulness is to be aware of one object, such as a mantra. If you can recite, ‘Buddho, Buddho, Buddho,’ and continue to do it for a while, your mind will stop thinking about the virus. Then, your mind will be peaceful and calm. If you can sit down and close your eyes, focus your attention at the tip of your nose, watch your breath coming in and going out, and just keep watching, it will prevent you from thinking about things that make you unhappy. When you don’t think about things that make you unhappy, your mind will become peaceful and happy. 

So, this is the way that we can deal with crisis. 

Whoever we are, if we want to pass this crisis in a happy way, we just have to meditate and let go of whatever is going to happen. Let it be. Whatever will be, will be. Ok?

Dhamma in English, Mar 23, 2020. 

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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