
Sunday 31 May 2020

“Nature creates and nature destroys.”

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

24th June, 2022

“Nature creates and nature destroys.”

Question from Singapore "Does god exist in Buddhism?" 

Than Ajahn:  "God is just one of the mind that has reached a certain level of purity or goodness. In Buddhism we call it, ‘deva.’ It is a spiritual being. It is not the god in the Christian religion. In Christian religion, they believe that god creates the world, god creates everything. 

In Buddhism, god is just another mind that has developed to a certain level of purity or goodness. It doesn’t have the ability to create or destroy anything. What creates and destroys things is called 'nature'. In Buddhism, everything is created by the law of nature. Nature creates and nature destroys."

Question:  "Does Buddhism explain how this universe and its beings come about? Does anyone create the universe or is it formed naturally?"

Than Ajahn:  "Buddhism says that the universe and everything else that exists within this universe are created from the six elements. They are the earth element, the water element, the wind element, the fire element, the knowing element, and the space element. 

When all these elements interact, they create. When these elements separate, they destroy."

“Q&A session, Mar 28, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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