
Saturday 2 November 2019

“Look at the common things that we have.”

“Look at the common things that we have.”

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Question: If I am biased about someone, I will see him very negatively no matter what he does. How do I apply the middle path in this case?

Tan Ajahn: You should look at the common things that we have with other people. Like when we are born, we are all subject to aging, sickness and death, so we are the same in this aspect. We also have the same 32 parts, we have hair of the head, hair of the body, nails, teeth, skin, and all the organs of the body. There is no difference.

If you hate the other person, you also hate yourself because everything that you hate in others, you have it as well. If you think this way, then you will stop hating. Because it is like looking in the mirror, looking at yourself and hating the picture you see in the mirror. You are hating yourself. What for? You don’t get anything from hating except bad feelings.

So, you have to think that we are all the same. We already have enough suffering from getting old, getting sick, and dying, so there is no need to create more suffering for other people. So you have to come back to having compassion, having loving-kindness.

“Dhamma for the Asking, Nov 18, 2014”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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