
Wednesday 4 September 2019

“When your mind is restless and troubled and you don't yet know how to use wisdom, just use samādhi (concentration) to calm yourself first.

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

16 June 2024

“When your mind is restless and troubled and you don't yet know how to use wisdom, just use samādhi (concentration) to calm yourself first.

Focus your mind into samādhi. Calm your mind. And the suffering and restlessness will go away. You can then leave samādhi once at ease, and analyse how the suffering occurs: what causes it and how to cure it?

Keep analysing. You will see that the suffering comes from your craving. So you should curb your craving. If your mind is equanimous enough, you will be able to control your craving. Your mind will then be free from suffering.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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