
Wednesday 29 March 2023

Somdej Phra Sangharaj Yannasangwon

Somdej Phra Sangharaj Yannasangwon

Kataññu-katavedi...the quality of gratitude and acknowledging the benefits we have received and trying to return the favour with acts of kindness. 

The Lord Buddha praised that as being a virtue of a good person. This is a characteristic and quality which makes a person good. 

Because a person of the Dhamma is someone who has Kataññu-katavedi. Sure enough, he or she can be considered a good person.

On the contrary, someone who does not have gratitude or thankfulness, cannot be considered a good person. 

Everyone, please examine it for yourself. We can honestly assess ourselves, be truthful with oneself, to see whether we are grateful to those who’ve helped us. Then we will know whether we are good people. 

If we have not been grateful to those who have helped us, and we have no filial piety, we are not really good people. However, instead of doubting about this, we should train our hearts to feel grateful for the beings who have helped us.

Don’t pass from this life to the next missing the opportunities to make your future life in the next world a beautiful and wonderful one. 

Somdej Phra Sangharaj Yannasangwon 

Wat Bowonniwet Ratchaworawihan

1 April 2023

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