
Tuesday 21 March 2023

❖ How useful is it to attend a meditation retreat? ❖ ~ by Ajahn Jayasaro ~

❖ How useful is it to attend a meditation retreat? ❖
~ by Ajahn Jayasaro ~

A meditation retreat provides meditators with the opportunity to apply themselves to meditation practices for many hours a day under the guidance of a qualified teacher, and to benefit from the support of a group of like-minded people. Having withdrawn from their usual surroundings, responsibilities and problems, for a retreat of seven or ten days meditators can build up a momentum of practice that may allow for experiences of calm and insight normally unattainable in their daily lives.

Retreats have a rejuvenating effect on long-time meditators and give self-confidence to new ones. Novice meditators can prove to themselves that meditation is not just a matter of struggling with sore knees and a restless mind, but that it does have results, and that they are capable of experiencing those results.

It is difficult for most people to establish a regular meditation practice at home. Attending a meditation retreat gives meditators a foundation on which to build, and the faith in the value of meditation that will help to sustain them through periods of doubt and discouragement.

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To read the ebook, please visit ‘Without and Within', by Ajahn Jayasaro:

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For other teachings by Ajahn Jayasaro, please visit the Panyaprateep Foundation website:

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To request the print book, please register:

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Photo: ‘Without and Within’

22 March 2023

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