
Friday 10 December 2021

Thanissaro Bhikkhu “Letting Go"🥀

Thanissaro Bhikkhu 
“Letting Go"🥀

"There’s that story I’ve told before about a woman who came to see Ajaan Fuang. She was going to spend two weeks at the monastery, but the second day she was there she went to him and said, “I’ve got to go home.” 

“Why?” he asked. “Well, I’m concerned about my husband and my children. I don’t know what they’re going to do, who’s going to fix food for them, how they’re going to manage.” 

He said, “Look, tell yourself that you’ve died. They’ll manage.”

So when you meditate, you’re practicing how to die. You’ve died to the world as you sit here. 

All your other responsibilities, you just put them aside. Because after all, who knows, that earthquake they warn about may come before you get home. 

Before the end of the meditation session, the building could fall down on us, collapse, kill us all. 

Your body may not be able to last for the next hour. You never know. Death doesn’t come with a sign beforehand that warns you, “x number of days”, “x number of hours.” So you’ve always got to be ready to let go, even without a moment’s notice. So this is an important skill, learning how to stop thinking about things."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu 

"Letting Go"

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