
Monday 27 January 2020

Life is suffering. What is the best method to face this existential issue; How to keep one going in the middle path?

Question: Life is suffering. What is the best method to face this existential issue; How to keep one going in the middle path?*

Than Ajahn: Well, you have to start with dāna, sīla, and bhāvanā. You should learn to be generous. Don’t cling to your wealth. Don’t be greedy with your wealth because wealth is the cause of your suffering. So, try not to cling to your money or possessions. If you have a lot and you cannot use all of them, then, give them to other people, help other people. It will lessen your suffering with money.

Next, you have to maintain sīla. Do not hurt other people because when you hurt other people, you will get hurt in return. You will feel bad, feel sad afterwards. Then, try to practice meditation by first developing mindfulness. Keep trying to stop your mind from thinking. Bring it to the present. Keep it to the present. Don’t send it to the past or to the future by watching your body activities or using a mantra to stop you from thinking.

Once you can stop your mind and make your mind calm and happy, then you can develop wisdom by teaching your mind that everything you crave or desire for will make you unhappy because you will lose what you get one day. So, if you know that you’re going to be sad afterwards, you don’t want to have anything. Then, you can just live without anything, live with a mind that is peaceful, calm, and happy.

“Dhamma in English, Jul 27, 2017.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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