
Saturday 19 October 2019

Talk and advice from Ajahn Maha Boowa

Talk and advice from Ajahn Maha Boowa

Don’t waste your time working like people in the world do, such as building temples, monks’ living quarters or  kutis, assembly halls or sālās, and then forget to do your Dhamma practice that will keep your heart calm, peaceful and cool. When you don’t practice, you’ll feel bored and restless, and be driven to do some other kind of work, like building shrines and pagodas that don’t promote peace and calm, but disarray and trouble, inside and outside the temple. Inside the temple, it troubles the monks or  bhikkhus  and novices or  sāmaṇeras. Outside the temple, it troubles the lay supporters. It’ll strain the relationship between the laity and the  bhikkhus  who are  puñña  khettam  lokassa, the best  people  to  make  merits  with.  Instead  of  cooperating,  they  will oppose  each other. The Sangha  or the community of  monks now turns into vampires instead of being the best people to make merit with.  So how  can  this lead  to peace and  tranquility?

(Ajahn Maha Boowa)

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