
Saturday 30 March 2019

Upcoming events 2019 - For the Month of April

Upcoming events 2019 -
For the Month of April

1st April, 2019 (Mon)

Zhineng Qigong by Sis SK Wong
Time : 8 - 10 pm

2nd April, 2019 (Tues)

Metta Lodge Dhamma family are highly encouraged to join the Laughter Yoga Session on every Tuesday morning at Taman Komuniti Melodies, Jalan Nibong, Melodies Gardens conducted by Bro Lim Tuan Chit.

Time:  7 am - 7.30 am

This is a FREE & secular event.

Deaf laughter festival in Johor a first of its kind

2nd April, 2019 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823
Sis Ee Seow Lim +60 13722 5602

5th April, 2019 (Fri)

New Moon Paritta Chanting & Meditation

Time 8 pm - 10 pm

Friday, 5 April | 8.15pm - 9pm | Metta Lodge New Centre in Johor Jaya

We invite you to join the Uposatha Service at Metta Lodge New Centre Johor Jaya to observe the New-moon day. The service will be conducted by Bhante Mahacara. We will start with offerings to the Three Jewels, chanting and meditation.
All are welcome!

6th April, 2019 (Sat)

2019 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

Mj club Dhamma Session resumes today at the New Building.

6th April, 2019 (Sat)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 8 pm to 10 pm

7th April,  2019 (Sun)

Sunday morning Puja follow by Hymn singing, fellowship cell group discussion or Broadcasting Dhamma talk

10 am - 11 am   Puja Chanting
11 am - 12.30 pm   Hymn Singing, cell group discussions or Dhamma talk broadcasting.
12.30 pm Lunch
All are welcome to join.

Please click link to join

8th April, 2019 (Mon)

Zhineng Qigong by Sis SK Wong

Time : 8 - 10 pm

9th April, 2019 (Tues)

Metta Lodge Dhamma family are highly encouraged to join the Laughter Yoga Session on every Tuesday morning at Taman Komuniti Melodies, Jalan Nibong, Melodies Gardens conducted by Bro Lim Tuan Chit.

Time:  7 am - 7.30 am

This is a FREE & secular event.

Deaf laughter festival in Johor a first of its kind

9th April, 2019 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823
Sis Ee Seow Lim +60 13722 5602

10th April, 2019 (Wed)

Dhamma talk by Bhante Paññanandā  on 10th April, 2019

Time: 8 pm to 10 pm

Medium: English

Venue: Metta Lodge Shrine Hall.

No. 2 Jalan Teratai 15, Taman Johore Jaya.

Profile of Bhante Paññanandā

Saya Paññanandā Bhikkhu lahir di Kota Medan pada tanggal 30 NOVEMBER 1958, awal saya memahami Dhamma adalah ketika pertama kalinya saya mengikuti retreats Vipassana bhavana yang berpedoman pada Mahasatipatthana sutta selama 10 hari dipandu oleh Bhante Thitaketuko pada tahun 1996 di Watu Gong Semarang Jawa Tengah Indonesia.
Setelah memahami manfaat dari praktik vipassana bhavana, saya kemudian membuat keputusan untuk menjadi bhikkhu pada tahun 2001 dan kemudian melanjutkan latihan saya di :
Vassa 1 di pusat meditasi hutan Panditarama Myanmar.
Vassa 2 di Malaysia Buddhist Meditation Centre (MBMC) 
Vassa 3 di Chanmay Yeiktha Myanmar.
Vasaa 4-5 di Shwe Oo Min Dhamma Sukkha Tawya Myanmar.
Vassa 6 di Vihara Borobudur Medan.
Vassa 7 di Mettayana Medan.
Vassa 8-9-10-11 di BMC (Buddhist Meditation Centre) Medan.
Vassa 12 di Bahorok medan.
Vassa 13 di Shwe Oo Min Dhamma Sukkha Tawya Myanmar.
Vassa 14-15-16-17-18 di BMC (Buddhist Meditation Centre) Medan.
Sekarang saya tinggal di BMC Medan.

Aktivitas saya setiap hari di BMC Medan :
04:30 - 07:00 Meditasi, Chanting, dana untuk sarapan dan berbagi pahala.
10:30 - 12:00 Dana untuk makan siang dan berbagi pahala.
19:30 - 21:00 Chanting, meditasi dan berbagi pahala.

Membimbing retret Vipassana di BMC Medan :
10 hari Idul Fitri Retreat pada bulan Juni.
10 hari Natal Retreat pada bulan Desember.
Membimbing Retreats Vipassana di Johor Bharu dan Kuching.

BMC terbuka untuk para yogi sepanjang tahun.

13th April, 2019 (Sat)

2019 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

14th April,  2019 (Sun)

Sunday morning Puja follow by Hymn singing, fellowship cell group discussion or Broadcasting Dhamma talk

10 am - 11 am   Puja Chanting
11 am - 12.30 pm   Hymn Singing, cell group discussions or Dhamma talk broadcasting.
12.30 pm Lunch
All are welcome to join.

Please click link to join

14th April, 2019 (Sun)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 7 pm to 9 pm

14th April, 2019 (Sun)

*COLOMBO Y.M.B.A. Sri Lanka* ....Dhamma Classes are conducted every  :

1) 2nd SUN of each month
from  12.45 pm to 5.00 pm
2) 4nd. SUN of each month
from 12.45 pm to 5.00 pm
3) 3rd Wed of each month
From 8 pm - 10 pm

Facilitator : Bro T C Lim
For enquiry :
Sis Joanne Lai +60127239181 or

Sis Rose      +6012 9114125
(Available: 2 pm - 6 pm Only )

15th April, 2019 to 5th May, 2019

法影(二): 回家的路 Dhammafarers 2: Our Real Home

法影(二): 回家的路摄影展 @
Dhammafarers II : Our Real Home photo exhibition @ Metta Lodge Multi Purpose Hall Ground Floor
Date:  15/04/19 - 5/05/2019
Time: Daily
10.30 am to 4.30 pm on weekday
10.30 am to 6.30 pm Sat & Sun

Opening of exhibition by Ajahn Cagino
Date:  22nd April, 2019
Time: 11.00 am


摄影展 Photo exhibition




I wandered around looking for places to practise meditation. I didn’t realise that the right place is already here, in my heart.

All the meditation is inside me. Birth, old age, sickness and death are right here within me.

I travelled all over looking for the right place to meditate, and stopped only when I was about to drop dead from exhaustion. Only then did I find what I was looking for: inside of me.

Ajahn Chah








My Real Home

What is our real home?

Is there a secure place where we can call home, one that will be not robbed by ravages of time?

Can our comfortable shelters, this now-functioning body, and even those we love protect us from the suffering and grief of illness, old age, and losing our loved ones?

We seek peace from our worldwide travels, security from our jobs, supreme happiness from intimate relationships. And finally disappointed and exhausted by the external search, we sit down in silent solitude . . . to find that the real home is, and has always been, here, and now.

The photographs in this exhibition feature monks and laity in meditation, each resting in one’s real home—the heart with inner peace. This is the secure home that brings lasting happiness and cannot be lost.




~ 【永觉比丘】

This exhibition prompts people to search for something of value in their hearts: peace.

Peace is not obtained by lingering on worldly affairs or constantly going through the cycle of happiness and pain, joy and sorrow.

The Buddha said that no worldly happiness can surpass that of Nibbana.

May all beings find peace—the real home—in their hearts.

Ajahn Cagino

All images by Cagino Bhikkhu.
Please credit Cagino Bhikkhu if you wish to wish any of the images.

Dhammafarers II : Our Real Home photo exhibition on YouTube

Slide show of all Ajahn photos


22nd April, 2019 (Mon)

Dhamma Talk by Ajahn Martin

Time : 8 pm to 10 pm

Venue : Fellowship room

22nd April, 2019 (Mon)

Zhineng Qigong by Sis SK Wong
Time : 8 - 10 pm

Dear all
FYI, on 22/4, Monday, we will resume our Qigong class at Multipurpose Hall, Ground Floor, MLJJ. All are welcomed to join us. Do bring your own sitting stool and drinking water.
With Metta
Sis Joanne

23rd April, 2019 (Tues)

Metta Lodge Dhamma family are highly encouraged to join the Laughter Yoga Session on every Tuesday morning at Taman Komuniti Melodies, Jalan Nibong, Melodies Gardens conducted by Bro Lim Tuan Chit.

Time:  7 am - 7.30 am

This is a FREE & secular event.

Deaf laughter festival in Johor a first of its kind

23rd April, 2019 (Tues)

1 Day Meditation Retreat by Ajahn Cagino on 23th April, 2019

导师 Teacher:
Ajahn Cagino 永觉比丘

日期 Date:  23/04/2019 (Tues)

时间 Time : 8:00 am
供僧 Dana : 9.00 am
截止 Closing : 8.00 pm

地点 Venue: Metta Lodge Shrine Hall.
No. 2 Jalan Teratai 15, TAMAN Johore Jaya, 81100

Google map


媒介Medium: 华语 Mandarin
Attire : wear white

营费 Retreat Fee
随缘 _There is no fee charged for the retreat but donation is welcome._

For non muslim only

询问 Enquiry :
Sis Ee Seow Lin +60137225602
Bro Lock 0127642075

To Join click link:

27th April, 2019 (Sat)

2019 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

28th April,  2019 (Sun)

Sunday morning Puja follow by Hymn singing, fellowship cell group discussion or Broadcasting Dhamma talk

10 am - 11 am   Puja Chanting
11 am - 12.30 pm   Hymn Singing, cell group discussions or Dhamma talk broadcasting.
12.30 pm Lunch
All are welcome to join.

Please click link to join

28th April, 2019 (Sun)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 7 pm to 9 pm

28th April, 2019 (Sun)

*COLOMBO Y.M.B.A. Sri Lanka* ....Dhamma Classes are conducted every  :

1) 2nd SUN of each month
from  12.45 pm to 5.00 pm
2) 4nd. SUN of each month
from 12.45 pm to 5.00 pm
3) 3rd Wed of each month
From 8 pm - 10 pm

Facilitator : Bro T C Lim
For enquiry :
Sis Joanne Lai +60127239181 or

Sis Rose      +6012 9114125
(Available: 2 pm - 6 pm Only )

29th April, 2019 (Mon)

Zhineng Qigong by Sis SK Wong
Time : 8 - 10 pm

30th April, 2019 (Tues)

Metta Lodge Dhamma family are highly encouraged to join the Laughter Yoga Session on every Tuesday morning at Taman Komuniti Melodies, Jalan Nibong, Melodies Gardens conducted by Bro Lim Tuan Chit.

Time:  7 am - 7.30 am

This is a FREE & secular event.

Deaf laughter festival in Johor a first of its kind

30th April, 2019 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823
Sis Ee Seow Lim +60 13722 5602

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