
Tuesday 28 August 2018

The Buddha’s Teachings as recorded in the Sutta Pitaka, consists of 5 collections:

·         經藏(sūttapiṭaka)、
·         律藏(vinayapiṭaka)、
·         論藏(abhidharmapiṭaka)


1. Digha Nikaya - the collection of the Long Discourses

2. Majjhima Nikaya - the collection of the Middle Length Discourses

3. Samyutta Niakaya - the collection of the Connected Discourses

4. Anguttara Nikaya - the collection of the Numerical Discourses

5. Khuddaka Nikaya - the collection of the Minor Discourses, which comprises the following books:
      (   鍚蘭及泰國傳的巴利經藏中,小部有十五部經,而緬甸共有十八部經。 )

A) Khuddaka Patha

B) Dhammapada

C) Udana

D) Itivuttaka

E) Suttanipata
5. 經集:為赤銅鍱部所選錄的經文集成,主要由偈頌所組成,包含了許多初期佛教的經文。

F) Vimanavatthu
6. 天宫事經:講述行善升往天界的種種樂事。

G) Petavatthu
7. 餓鬼事經:講述遭惡報墮為餓鬼的悲慘故事。

H) Theragatha
8. 長老偈:佛陀的大弟子比丘所說,以1279偈講述264位長老的事跡。

I) Therigatha

J) Jataka


K) Niddesa (Maha and Cula)

L) Patisambhida Magga

M) Apadana

N) Buddhavamsa, history of the Buddhas
佛种姓经:講述佛傳故事的專品,風格與《長部·大本經》相類 。

O) Cariya Pitaka

P) Netti

指導論: (緬甸版有,泰國版沒有)

Q) Petakopadesa
藏釋: (緬甸版有,泰國版沒有)

R) Milinda Panha
彌蘭王問: (緬甸版有,泰國版沒有)

Starting today, we’ll go through the Khuddaka Nikaya, starting with Khuddakapatha.  We will only skip Dhammapada, which we have gone through last year.

Khuddakapatha - The Short Passages

1. Saranagamana -- Going for Refuge
I go to the Buddha for refuge. 我皈依佛
I go to the Dhamma for refuge . 我皈依法
I go to the Sangha for refuge. 我皈依僧
A second time I go to the Buddha for refuge. 第二次我皈依佛
A second time I go to the Dhamma for refuge. 第二次我皈依法
A second time I go to the Sangha for refuge .第二次我皈依僧
A third time I go to the Buddha for refuge. 第三次我皈依佛
A third time I go to the Dhamma for refuge. 第三次我皈依法
A third time I go to the Sangha for refuge. 第三次我皈依僧
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Khuddakapatha

2. Dasa Sikkhapada -- The Ten Training Rules for novices

I undertake the training rule to refrain from taking life. 我受持离杀生学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from stealing.我受持离不与取学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from sexual intercourse.我受持离非梵行学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from telling lies.我受持离虚妄语学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from intoxicating fermented & distilled beverages that lead to carelessness.我受持离放逸之因的诸酒类学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from eating at the wrong time [after noon & before dawn].我受持离非时食学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from dancing, singing, music, & watching shows. 我受持不跳舞、歌唱及表演。
I undertake the training rule to refrain from wearing garlands and beautifying myself with perfumes & cosmetics.我受持不戴持、塗抹、妝飾的花朵,香芬及美容品。
I undertake the training rule to refrain from high & luxurious seats & beds.我受持不坐臥于高、大坐臥處。
I undertake the training rule to refrain from accepting gold & money.我受持不持金银及金钱。

4. Samanera Panha -- The Novice's Questions 問沙彌文

What is one? 一者為何?一切眾生依食而住。

All beings subsist on food.

Samanera Panha -- The Novice's Questions 問沙彌文

What is two? 二者為何?名與色。
Name & form [mental & physical phenomena].
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Samanera Panha -- The Novice's Questions 問沙彌文

What is three? 三者為何?三受。
The three types of feeling [pleasant, painful, neither pleasant nor painful].

Samanera Panha -- The Novice's Questions 問沙彌文

What is four? 四者為 何?四聖諦。
The four noble truths [stress, the origination of stress, the cessation of stress, the path of practice leading to the cessation of stress].

Khuddaka Nikaya小 誦 經

Samanera Panha -- The Novice's Questions 問沙彌文

What is six? 六者為何?六內處。

The six internal sense media [eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, intellect/mind].

Khuddaka Nikaya小 誦 經
Samanera Panha -- The Novice's Questions 問沙彌文

What is five? 五者為何?五取蘊。
The five aggregates [form, feeling, perception, fabrications, consciousness].

Khuddaka Nikaya小 誦 經

Samanera Panha -- The Novice's Questions 問沙彌文

What is seven? 七者為何?七菩提分。

The seven factors of Awakening [mindfulness, analysis of qualities, persistence, rapture, serenity, concentration, equanimity].

Khuddaka Nikaya小 誦 經

Samanera Panha -- The Novice's Questions 問沙彌文

What is nine? 九者為何?九眾生居。

The nine abodes for beings [seven stations of consciousness and two spheres:
There are beings with diversity of body and diversity of perception, such as human beings, some devas, and some beings in the lower realms. This is the first station of consciousness.
There are beings with diversity of body and singularity of perception, such as the devas of the Brahma hosts generated by the first [jhana]. This is the second station of consciousness.
There are beings with singularity of body and diversity of perception, such as the Radiant Devas. This is the third station of consciousness.
There are beings with singularity of body and singularity of perception, such as the Beautifully Lustrous Devas. This is the fourth station of consciousness.
There are beings who, with the complete transcending of perceptions of [physical] form, with the disappearance of perceptions of resistance, and not heeding perceptions of diversity, thinking, 'Infinite space,' arrive at the sphere of the infinitude of space. This is the fifth station of consciousness.
There are beings who, with the complete transcending of the sphere of the infinitude of space, thinking, 'Infinite consciousness,' arrive at the sphere of the infinitude of consciousness. This is the sixth station of consciousness.
There are beings who, with the complete transcending of the sphere of the infinitude of consciousness, thinking, 'There is nothing,' arrive at the sphere of nothingness. This is the seventh station of consciousness.
The sphere of non-percipient beings and, second, the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. These are the two spheres. {Maha Nidana Suttanta, D.15}] diversity, thinking, 'Infinite space,' arrive at the sphere of the infinitude of space. This is the fifth station of consciousness.
There are beings who, with the complete transcending of the sphere of the infinitude of space, thinking, 'Infinite consciousness,' arrive at the sphere of the infinitude of consciousness. This is the sixth station of consciousness.
There are beings who, with the complete transcending of the sphere of the infinitude of consciousness, thinking, 'There is nothing,' arrive at the sphere of nothingness. This is the seventh station of consciousness.
The sphere of non-percipient beings and, second, the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. These are the two spheres. {Maha Nidana Suttanta, D.15}]

Khuddaka Nikaya小 誦 經

Samanera Panha -- The Novice's Questions 問沙彌文

What is eight? 八者為何?八支聖道。
The noble eightfold path [right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration].

Khuddaka Nikaya小 誦 經

Samanera Panha -- The Novice's Questions 問沙彌文

What is ten? 十者為何?具足十支 謂之阿羅漢。

Endowed with ten qualities, one is called an arahant
[the right view of one beyond training,
the right resolve of one beyond training,
the right speech of one beyond training,
the right action of one beyond training,
the right livelihood of one beyond training,
the right effort of one beyond training,
the right mindfulness of one beyond training,
the right concentration of one beyond training,
the right knowledge of one beyond training,
the right release of one beyond training {Mahacattarisaka Sutta, M.117}].
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經

I have heard that at one time the Blessed One was staying in Savatthi at Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's park. Then a certain deva, in the far extreme of the night, her extreme radiance lighting up the entirety of Jeta's Grove, approached the Blessed One. On approaching, having bowed down to the Blessed One, she stood to one side. As she stood to one side, she addressed him with a verse.
Many devas and humans beings
give thought to protection,
desiring well-being.
Tell, then, the highest blessings.

 Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經

[The Buddha:]
Not consorting with fools,
consorting with the wise,
paying homage to those worthy of homage:
This is the highest blessings.

Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經

Broad knowledge, skill,
well-mastered discipline,
well-spoken words:
This is the highest blessings.

Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經

Support for one's parents,
assistance to one's wife and children,
consistency in one's work:
This is the highest blessings.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經 

Living in a civilized land,
having made merit in the past,
directing oneself rightly:
This is the highest blessings.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經
Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經 6

Generosity, living in rectitude,
assistance to one's relatives,
deeds that are blameless:
This is the highest blessings.

Bahasa Indonesia
Memberi, berlatih apa yang baik*, menyokong kerabatnya dan bertindak tanpa cela.  Itulah berkah utama.

* Berlatih apa yang baik adalah 10 puňňa kiriya vatthu (1.Dana; 2. sila; 3. Pengembangan batin; 4. berbakti terhadap orang tua/mahluk suci; 5. sukarelawan dalam perbutan bajik; 6. berbagi jasakebajikan; 7. turut berbahagia atas kebajikan orang lain; 8. mendengarkan Dhamma; 9. menerangkan Dhamma; 10. melurukan pandangan salah orang lain).
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經 7

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經

Avoiding, abstaining from evil;
refraining from intoxicants,
being heedful of the qualities of the mind:
This is the highest blessings.


Bahasa Indonesia
Menghindari kejahatan dalam pikiran@,
menghindari kejahatan dan tubuh dan ucapan*
Menghindari minuman keras& dan tidak lalai dalam perbuatan yang bajik.  Itulah berkah utama.
@ dengan samadhi
* dengan sila
& secara total menghindari minuman keras memabukkan atau narkoba.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經 8

Respect, humility,
contentment, gratitude,
hearing the Dhamma on timely occasions:
This is the highest blessings.


Bahasa Indonesia
Penuh hormat@, sederhana, merasa puas, berterima-kasih* dan mendengarkan Dhamma pada saat yang sesuai&.  Itulah berkah utama.
@ kepada Bhikkhu sangha, guru, orang tua, sesepuh (senior), yang luhur, dst
* mereka yang tidak mengenal rasa terima-kasih, maka mereka tidak akan mengenal kebahagiaan.
& sebagai contohnya, seseorang yang dipenuhi oleh pikiran jahat
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經 9

Patience, composure,
seeing contemplatives (holy men),
discussing the Dhamma on timely occasions:
This is the highest blessings.


Bahasa Indonesia
Sabar, patuh, mengunjungi mereka yang telah menenangkan kekotoran batin* dan membahas Dhamma pada kesempatan yang sesuai.  Itulah berkah utama.

* Disini merujuk kepada makhluk Suci (Ariya Puggala)
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經 10

Austerity, celibacy,
seeing the Noble Truths,
realizing the Unbinding:
This is the highest blessings.


Bahasa Indonesia

Setelah mengatasi perbuatan yang tidak baik@, menuju kehidupan yang suci, melihat Kebenaran Mulia dan merealisasi Nibbana.  Itulah berkah utama.

@ Pengendalian diri : menekan nafsu raga dan kebencian dengan mengendalikan indriya, dan untuk menekan kemalasan dengan meningkatkan usaha/semangat.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經

Everywhere undefeated
when acting in this way,
people go everywhere in well-being:
This is their highest blessings.


Bahasa Indonesia:

Setelah menyempurnakan hal-hal seperti ini, semua makhluk tak terkalahkan di manapun dan mendapatkan kebahagiaan di manapun.  Itulah berkah utama bagi mereka. *.

* Semua diatas berjumlah 38 syair berkah utama (Maṅgalasuttaṃ).
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Khuddaka Nikaya 小 誦 經

Mangala Sutta -- Highest blessings 吉祥經

A mind that, when touched
by the ways of the world,
is unshaken, sorrowless, dustless, secure:
This is the highest blessings.


2 云得、不得、毀、譽、稱、譏、苦、樂之八法。

Bahasa Indonesia

Pikiran dari seseorang yang dihadapakan dengan kondisi-kondisi duniawi* tidak langsung (seorang Arahant), tanpa duka cita, tak bernoda dan terjaga@.  Itulah berkah utama.

* Untung-rugi, berhasil-gagal, dipuji-dicela, bahagia-menderita.
@ Masing-masing dari tiga ini adalah ekspresi yang mengacu dengan pikiran dari Arahant:asoka: tanpa duka-cita; viraja: tak bernoda, i.e. bebas dari nafsu, kebencian dan kebodohan; khema: aman dari perbudakan nafsu indriawi (kama), tumimbal-lahir (bhava), pandangan salah (dițṭhi) dan kebodohan batan (avijjā)
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 1

Whatever beings are here assembled, those of the earth or those of the air, may all of them be happy!  Let them all listen attentively to these words!
Maklum apapun yang berkumpul di sini, baik di bumi maupun di angkasa semoga mereka mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian kata-kataku.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 3

Whatever wealth -- here or beyond --
whatever exquisite treasure in the heavens,
does not, for us, equal the Tathagata.
This, too, is an exquisite treasure in the Buddha.
By this truth may there be well-being.


Apapun harta yang ada di sini maupun di dunia lainnya, atau apapun permata yang berharga di dunia para Dewa, tak ada satupun yang menyamai Tathagata.  Dalam Buddha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 2

Thus, (heavenly) beings, you should all be attentive.
Show kindness to the human race.
Who day & night they give offerings,
so, being heedful, protect them.
Oleh karena itu, oh para Dewa, dengarkanlah!  Kasihilah manusia.  Siang dan malam mereka memberikan persembahan kepadamu.  Oleh karena itu lindungilah mereka dengan rajin.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 4

The peaceful Sage of the Sakya realised the Nibbana
Which is the cessation of defilement, free from passion, deathless and supreme
There is none equal to that state
In the Dhamma is this precious jewel
By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness


Sang Bijaksana tenang dari suku Sakya merealisasi Dhamma (Nibbana) di mana lenyapnya semua kekotoran, yang mana bersih dari nafsu dan tiada kematian juga amat mulia.  Tak ada satupun yang menyamai Dhamma ini.  Juga dalam Dhamma inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 5

The Supreme Buddha praised the pure concentration of the noble path
and the Buddha described it as giving result immediately.
There is none equal to that state
In the Dhamma is this precious jewel.
By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness


Buddha yang Maha Agung memuji konsentrasi yang murni (yang menyertai kesadaran akan Jalan) dan Para Buddha menguraikan itu sebagan pemberi hasil langsung*.  Tak ada satupun yang menyamai konsentrasi itu.  Juga dalam Dhamma inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.
* Kesadaran Magga
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 6

The eight individuals, who are praised by the most virtuous, constitute four pairs:
they are the disciples of the Buddha and most worthy of offerings;
gifts made to them yield rich results.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel
By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness


2 云四向四果之八。四雙云向果各四。

Delapan individu yang dipuji oleh yang berbudi luhur, merupakan empat pasangan*; mereka adalah siswa-siswi Buddha dan bernilai untuk menerima persembahan; pemberian yang dibuat kepada mereka menghasilkan buah yang melimpah.  Juga dalam Sangha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.
* Mereka yang mencapai tingkat kesucian pertama, yaitu pemenang-arus (sotāpatti) dan buahnya; dengan demikian keduanya ini menjadi sepasang.  Begitu juga tingkat kesucian kedua yaitu Yang-kembali-sekali-lagi (Sakadāgāmi), tingkat kesucian ketiga yaitu Yang-tak-kembali-lagi (Anāgami) dan Yang-mulia (Arahatta).  Demikian maka terbentuk delapan individu.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 7

Those, who have strived on with a steadfast mind during the Dispensation of Gotama Buddha, have been liberated from passions;
they have attained the highest state and the deathless state;
they took delight in perfect peace, which is obtained without obligation.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel. By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness


Dengan pikiran yang tetap, mereka menerapkan dirinya dalam dispensasi* Gotama, mereka bebas dari nafsu; mereka telah mencapai apa yang harus dicapai.  Menyelam ke dalam ke tanpa kematian, mereka menikmati kedamaian yang dimenangkan tanpa biaya@.   Juga dalam Sangha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.
* Buddha sasana
@ Nibbana
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 8

Just as the post planted in the earth, cannot be shaken by the wind from four directions;
so, I declare that the righteous person is not shaken who thoroughly sees the Noble Truths.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel.
By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness


Bagaikan sebuah tiang yang tertancap teguh di bumi tak tergoncangkan oleh empat angin (angin dari empat penjuru), maka, Aku nyatakan, mereka sebagai orang yang berbudi yang secara menyeluruh merasakan Kebenaran Mulia.  Juga dalam Sangha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 9

Those who have comprehended the Noble Truths,
well taught by the Buddha of profound wisdom,
however extremely heedless they may be; they do not take an eight rebirth.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel.
By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness

依甚深之智慧,善能理解妙說聖諦人,則使大為放逸者,亦決不受第八生 。

Bagaimanapun mereka menjadi sangat waspada, ia yang memahami Kebenaran Mulia yang diajakan oleh-Nya dari kebijaksanaan terdalam, tidak akan terlahir yang kedelapan* kalinya.  Juga dalam Sangha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.

* Maksimal Sotāpanna hanya mengalami 7 kali kelahiran lagi, lalu akan mengakhiri perbudakan ini.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 10

Similarly, with his attainment of the First Path,
the three mental defilements are abandoned,
namely, self-illusion, doubt and indulgence in wrongful habits and practices.
Also, he abandons some other defilements.
He is entirely free from the four woeful states
and is incapable of commiting the six major wrong actions.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel.
By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness

彼俱成就正見捨三事。即為身見、疑、戒禁取見。彼離四惡趣 (4),不犯六逆
罪 (5),此亦僧伽最勝寶。此為真理故,一切有幸福。

3 見道十五心之間斷三界之見惑,於十六心之無間成就正見得預流果者,盡七生欲界之生,
4 云地獄、餓鬼、畜生、修羅。
5 於北傳之五逆罪加「從他師」之一。

Tiga kondisi telah ditinggalkan oleh dia pada saat mencapai pandangan terang*, yaitu: (i) pandangan salah tentang diri@, (ii) keraguan& dan (iii) pandangan salah bahwa ritual dan upacara dapat menyelamatkan.
Dia juga telah sepenuhnya terbebas dari empat keadaan menderita% dan tidak dapat lagi melakukan enam kejahatan~.  Juga dalam Sangha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.

* Pandangan terang (dassana): Sang Jalan dan Buah dari Pemenang-arus (Sotāpatti)
@ Adalah diri atau jiwa yang kekal
& Keraguan terhadap: 1. Buddha, 2. Dhamma, 3. Sangha, 4. sīla, samādhi, paňňā (3 latihan), 5. khandha lampau dan mendatang, 8. Paṭiccasamuppāda, yang mencakup khandha masa sekarang.
% Empat alam apaya (asura, hantu, binatang, neraka)
~ 1. Membunuh ibJuga dalam Sangha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.
u, 2. Membunuh ayah, 3. Membunuh Arahant, 4. Melukai Buddha, 5. Menecah-belah Sangha, 6. Memegang pandang salah yang kuat.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 11

Also he may unintentionally do evil action, either by body, speech or mind,
he is incapable of hiding it.
The Buddha has declared that hiding such a wrong doing
is incapable of a person who has seen Nibbana with Noble Path.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel.
By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness


Mestipun ia mungkin melakukan perbuatan jahat melalui tubuh, atau melalui ucapan atau melalui pikiran*, ia tak mampu untuk menyembunyikannya@.  Buddha menyatakan kebenaran semacam ini bahwa orang telah melihat Nibbana dengan Kesadaran Sang Jalan& tak mampu menyembunyikan kelakuan salahnya.  Juga dalam Buddha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.

* Ini merujuk kepada tingkat kesucian terendah yaitu, Sotāpanna.
@ Karena Sotapanna sempurna dalan moralitas.
& Sang Jalan (magga) menunjuk pada Pemenang-arus (sotāpatti), tahap dimana Sang Calon memahami Nibbana untuk pertama kalinya.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 13

The Glorious One (Buddha), who knows the glory,
delivers the glory, brings the glory, peerlessly expounds the glorious doctrine.
In the Buddha is this precious jewel.
By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness


Ia yang unggul tanpa bandingan (Buddha), pengetahu yang ulung, pemberi yang terbaik, pembawa yang turulung, telah mengajarkan ajaran yang terunggul.  Juga dalam Buddha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 12

Just as the woodland grove is blossoming out at the treetops
in the first month of summer and delights with the impressive beauties,
even so the sublime doctrine leads to Nibbana,
which was taught for the achievement of the highest goal.
In the Buddha is this precious jewel.
By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness

Layaknya tanah hutan yang anggun dengan bermekarannya pucuk pohon pada bulah pertama di musim panas bagaikan ajaran luhur yang menuju Nibbana.  Dhamma yang diajarkan Buddha demi kebaikan tertinggi semua makhluk  Juga dalam Buddha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.
[8/29, 7:01 AM] Heng Chai Teet: Ratana Sutta -- Discourse on the Jewels 三寶經 14

Their past kamma is exhausted and the new kamma arises no more,
their minds are not attached to a future birth;
they have extinguished the seed of rebirth;
their desire for rebirth does not grow.
These wise ones go out for perfect peach, even as the lamp burns out.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel.
By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness


Kamma lampau mereka telah habis; tidak ada kamma baru yang mencul; pikiran mereka tidak melekat pada kelahiran dumadi*; hasrat mereka untuk menjadi sudah tidak tumbuh.  Sang bijaksana ini telah pergi serupa dengan lilin yang habis terbakar.  Juga dalam Sangha inilah terdapat permata yang berharga.  Berkat ungkapan kebenaran ini, semoga terciptalah kebahagiaan.

* Tumimbal-lahir

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