
Tuesday 19 June 2018

Khuddakapatha - The Short Passages

Khuddakapatha - The Short Passages 

1. Saranagamana -- Going for Refuge
I go to the Buddha for refuge. 我皈依佛
I go to the Dhamma for refuge . 我皈依法
I go to the Sangha for refuge. 我皈依僧
A second time I go to the Buddha for refuge. 第二次我皈依佛
A second time I go to the Dhamma for refuge. 第二次我皈依法
A second time I go to the Sangha for refuge .第二次我皈依僧
A third time I go to the Buddha for refuge. 第三次我皈依佛
A third time I go to the Dhamma for refuge. 第三次我皈依法
A third time I go to the Sangha for refuge. 第三次我皈依僧
[6/20, 5:32 AM] Bhante Ariya Dassana: Khuddakapatha

2. Dasa Sikkhapada -- The Ten Training Rules for novices

I undertake the training rule to refrain from taking life. 我受持离杀生学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from stealing.我受持离不与取学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from sexual intercourse.我受持离非梵行学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from telling lies.我受持离虚妄语学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from intoxicating fermented & distilled beverages that lead to carelessness.我受持离放逸之因的诸酒类学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from eating at the wrong time [after noon & before dawn].我受持离非时食学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from dancing, singing, music, & watching shows. 我受持不跳舞、歌唱及表演。
I undertake the training rule to refrain from wearing garlands and beautifying myself with perfumes & cosmetics.我受持不戴持、塗抹、妝飾的花朵,香芬及美容品。
I undertake the training rule to refrain from high & luxurious seats & beds.我受持不坐臥于高、大坐臥處。
I undertake the training rule to refrain from accepting gold & money.我受持不持金银及金钱。

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