
Monday 25 June 2018

Upcoming events for 2018 MONTH OF JULY

Upcoming events for 2018

Upcoming events for July 2018

1st July, 2018 (Sun)

Dhamma talk by Datuk Bro Tan Huat Chye

Title:  "Using Dhamma to seek wealth and find balance"

Time: 10.30 am.  (Sharp)

Please be punctual

Profile :
     Bro. Tan Huat Chye has experienced success in career as the Partner and Principal of the THC Consulting, in Dhamma propagation through the setting up and managing many Buddhist organisations. He is currently the Advisor for the Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society, Bodhi Buddhist Group, Buddhist Business Network (BBN), and on the Think-Tank Panel for the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia since 2015 where he is also spear heading the GLAD program. Also designed the DhammaWorks Mini Workshop Series as a Dhamma Outreach Program for the working people._         
     A member of the Music Authors’ Copyright Protection Bhd and an accomplished song writer with many popular commercial songs written including three Chinese Buddhist Hymns albums in 1988 (Yi Can Deng), 1992 (Hui Deng) and 1994 (Deng). He is also the original group member of the renowned English Buddhist Hymns Group, the “Wayfarers”

2nd July, 2018 (Mon)

with Bro Loh Piak Hong

Every 1st & 3rd Monday

Time: 8.00 to 9.30 pm

3rd July,  2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

5th July, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing 
with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time : 8.00 pm - 10.00 pm

7th July, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

7th July,  2018 (Sat)

Dhamma Talk by Sayalay Susila

Title: "Who fears death and who not"

9.00  am  Meditation
10.00 am Dhamma Talk
11.00-11.30 Q & A ,
11.45 am Lunch Dana

Profile of Sayalay Susila :

8th July, 2018 (Sun)

YBAM Diploma Course opening Day.

COLOMBO Y.M.B.A. Sri Lanka...

Dhamma Classes are conducted every  :

1) 2nd & 3rd Wed of each month
from 8 pm - 10 pm

2) 2nd. SUN of each month
from 12.50 pm - 5.00 pm

Facilitator : Bro T C Lim
For enquiry :
Sis Joanne Lai +60127239181 or

Sis Rose      +6012 9114125
(Available: 2 pm - 6 pm Only )

10th July,  2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

11th July, 2018 (Wed) 

COLOMBO Y.M.B.A. Sri Lanka ....

Dhamma Classes are conducted every  :

1) 2nd & 3rd Wed of each month
from 8 pm - 10 pm

2) 2nd. SUN of each month
from 12.50 pm - 5.00 pm

Facilitator : Bro T C Lim
For enquiry : Sis Joanne Lai +60127239181

Facilitator : Bro T C Lim
For enquiry :
Sis Joanne Lai +60127239181 or

Sis Rose      +6012 9114125
(Available: 2 pm - 6 pm Only )

12th July, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing 
with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm

13th July, 2018 (Fri)

New Moon Paritta Chanting & Meditation

We will invite a Venerable to chant every Full Moon
Dhamma family members birthday for that month can bring pot luck to share.

*15 mins Meditation
*Blessing for all birthday boy & girl for that month.
*‎Blessing for all ML deceased members
*‎Transference of merits to all ML Dhamma family

14th July, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

14th July, 2018 (Sat) 

Dhamma Talk by Bhante Jotipanno 

地点( Venue)民德佛学会 (ML)
日期 (Date):14-7-18  星期六
时间 ( Time):晚上8点 ( 8pm)
媒介(Medium):华语 (Mandarin)
联络(Contact):駱师兄 Bro Lock
电话(hp) : 012 764 2075

16th July, 2018 (Mon)

with Bro Loh Piak Hong

Every 1st & 3rd Monday

Time: 8.00 to 9.30 pm

17th July,  2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

18th July, 2018 (Wed) 

COLOMBO Y.M.B.A. Sri Lanka ....

Dhamma Classes are conducted every  :

1) 2nd & 3rd Wed of each month
from 8 pm - 10 pm

2) 2nd. SUN of each month
from 12.50 pm - 5.00 pm

Facilitator : Bro T C Lim
For enquiry :
Sis Joanne Lai +60127239181 or

Sis Rose      +6012 9114125
(Available: 2 pm - 6 pm Only )

19th July, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing 
with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time : 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm

21st July, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

21st to 23rd July, 2018 (Sat to Mon)

3 Days Retreat by Sayalay Susila 
Date of retreat: 21-23rd July,  2018

"Anapanasati and contemplation of mind"

Venue: Right Path Meditation Centre (RPMC) 
Address: Jalan Cengal 8, Bandar Putra , Kulai.

Check in: 21st July, 2018 at 9am
Check out 23rd July, 2018 at 5 pm

Waze location:

Google Map location:

Person in charge of RPMC:
Bro Wong: 012-768 6636
Bro. Andy +60192788089

Mettā Lodge Coodinator: 
Bro Lock: +0127642075

Medium : Chinese

Closing Date : 18th July,  2018
Members are encouraged to offer Lunch Dana 

Profile of Sayalay Susila :

24th July,  2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

26th July, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing 
with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 8.00 pm to 10 pm

27th July, 2018 (Fri)

Full Moon Paritta Chanting & Meditation

We will invite a Venerable to chant every Full Moon
Dhamma family members birthday for that month can bring pot luck to share.

*15 mins Meditation
*Blessing for all birthday boy & girl for that month.
*‎Blessing for all ML deceased members
*‎Transference of merits to all ML Dhamma family

28th July, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

31st July,  2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Khuddakapatha - The Short Passages

Khuddakapatha - The Short Passages 

1. Saranagamana -- Going for Refuge
I go to the Buddha for refuge. 我皈依佛
I go to the Dhamma for refuge . 我皈依法
I go to the Sangha for refuge. 我皈依僧
A second time I go to the Buddha for refuge. 第二次我皈依佛
A second time I go to the Dhamma for refuge. 第二次我皈依法
A second time I go to the Sangha for refuge .第二次我皈依僧
A third time I go to the Buddha for refuge. 第三次我皈依佛
A third time I go to the Dhamma for refuge. 第三次我皈依法
A third time I go to the Sangha for refuge. 第三次我皈依僧
[6/20, 5:32 AM] Bhante Ariya Dassana: Khuddakapatha

2. Dasa Sikkhapada -- The Ten Training Rules for novices

I undertake the training rule to refrain from taking life. 我受持离杀生学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from stealing.我受持离不与取学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from sexual intercourse.我受持离非梵行学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from telling lies.我受持离虚妄语学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from intoxicating fermented & distilled beverages that lead to carelessness.我受持离放逸之因的诸酒类学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from eating at the wrong time [after noon & before dawn].我受持离非时食学处
I undertake the training rule to refrain from dancing, singing, music, & watching shows. 我受持不跳舞、歌唱及表演。
I undertake the training rule to refrain from wearing garlands and beautifying myself with perfumes & cosmetics.我受持不戴持、塗抹、妝飾的花朵,香芬及美容品。
I undertake the training rule to refrain from high & luxurious seats & beds.我受持不坐臥于高、大坐臥處。
I undertake the training rule to refrain from accepting gold & money.我受持不持金银及金钱。

Monday 4 June 2018

Metta Lodge WhatsApp posting Summary & Guidelines:

Metta Lodge WhatsApp posting

Summary & Guidelines:


Kindly be reminded and be mindful
to Leave Out of this ML Group,

ALL postings that is Not connected with ML, Dhamma-Vinaya, Buddhism or Buddhism in Malaysia.
Your Cooperation is Greatly Appreciated.

ML Members WhatsApp group is for,

(1.) Primarily : Dissemination of ML matters

1.1 ML Exco-to-Members: Announcements, selected FB/Website postings, Programmes, etc.

1.2 ML Members-to-ML Exco : Feedback, simple questions, clarifications and requests. Complaints in detail should be emailed to ML. (

1.3 ML Members-to-ML Members: Sharing of Member Orgn Programmes / Training & Development / Sutta Study Retreats / Meditation Retreats / Camps / Novitiate / Pilgrimage / Study Tours / Photos of recent events (preferable number of 4 with event description, date and place, and certainly not 8+ photos), video postings should preferably be links to a website / FB / Youtube (sending video files uses up alot of device space), etc.

1.4 Governmental (State / Federal) developments that may affect Buddhism / Buddhist Orgn in Malaysia, preferably links to News reports.

1.5 ASEAN / World developments that may affect Buddhism / Buddhist Orgn in Malaysia, preferably links to News reports.

1.6 Religious developments / articles / publications that affect or may affect Buddhism in Malaysia, preferably links to News reports.


(2.) Secondary :

2.1 Intra-Buddhist dialogues / programmes of interest preferably links to website.

2.2 Inter-religious dialogues / programmes of interest preferably links to website.


(3.) To be Left Out of the Group :

3.1 Criteria : ALL postings that are Not connected with ML, Dhamma-Vinaya, Buddhism or Buddhism in Malaysia.

3.2 Health, Exercise, Medical, Safety & Diet Advice,

3.3 Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening /Week/Weekend Quotes,

3.4 Pet adoption announcements,

3.5 Jokes / Humour,

3.6 Sales Promotions,

3.7 Fake or modified Buddha Quotes (Please verify with Ti-Pitaka; Any quote ending with 'Gautama Buddha' or 'Buddha', without the source, eg. Sutta name / Dhammapada Verse no., is very likely Fake).

3.8 etc..
A Note on using WhatsApp:
We have heard of the idiom,
'Think before speaking, you can't take it back afterwards'.

In WhatsApp,
'Think and check before posting, you can't take it back afterwards'.
Messages once posted in WhatsApp are delivered to recipient/s.
Amendments or deletion on senders device will Not change the message received and seen by the recipient, unlike in Facebook.
TECHYou Can Now ‘Unsend’ Your Messages in New WhatsApp Update

With Mettā
12TH.NOV. 2017

Friday 1 June 2018

Upcoming events for 2018 MONTH OF JUNE

Upcoming events for 2018

Upcoming events for June 2018

2nd June, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

4th June, 2018 (Mon)

with Bro Loh Piak Hong

Every 1st & 3rd Monday
Time: 8.00 to 9.30 pm

5th June,  2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

7th June, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

9th June, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities   (School Holiday)

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

12th June,  2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

13th June, 2018 (Wed)

Pali Study Class by Bro TC Lim
(Every 2nd & 3rd Wed of the Month)  (Cancelled)

For details Bro TC Lim
Hp no: +60177455093

14th June, 2018 (Thurs)

New Moon Paritta Chanting & Meditation

We will invite a Venerable to chant every Full Moon
Dhamma family members birthday for that month can bring pot luck to share.

*15 mins Meditation
*Blessing for all birthday boy & girl for that month.
*‎Blessing for all ML deceased members
*‎Transference of merits to all ML Dhamma family

14th June, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

16th June, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities.  (School Holiday)

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

18th June, 2018 (Mon)

with Bro Loh Piak Hong

Every 1st & 3rd Monday
Time: 8.00 to 9.30 pm

19th June,  2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

20th June, 2018 (Wed)

Pali Study Class by Bro TC Lim
(Every 2nd & 3rd Wed of the Month)   (Cancelled)

For details Bro TC Lim
Hp no: +60177455093

21th June, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

23rd June, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities.  (School Holiday)

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

26th June,  2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823
Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

28th June, 2018 (Thur)

Full Moon Paritta Chanting & Meditation

We will invite a Venerable to chant every Full Moon
Dhamma family members birthday for that month can bring pot luck to share.

*15 mins Meditation
*Blessing for all birthday boy & girl for that month.
*‎Blessing for all ML deceased members
*‎Transference of merits to all ML Dhamma family

28th June, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

30th June, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

30th June, 2018 (Sat) 

Talk by Bro Datuk Tan Huat Chye
Time: 8.00 pm

Profile :
     Bro. Tan Huat Chye has experienced success in career as the Partner and Principal of the THC Consulting, in Dhamma propagation through the setting up and managing many Buddhist organisations. He is currently the Advisor for the Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society, Bodhi Buddhist Group, Buddhist Business Network (BBN), and on the Think-Tank Panel for the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia since 2015 where he is also spear heading the GLAD program. Also designed the DhammaWorks Mini Workshop Series as a Dhamma Outreach Program for the working people.
          A member of the Music Authors’ Copyright Protection Bhd and an accomplished song writer with many popular commercial songs written including three Chinese Buddhist Hymns albums in 1988 (Yi Can Deng), 1992 (Hui Deng) and 1994 (Deng). He is also the original group member of the renowned English Buddhist Hymns Group, the “Wayfarers”.