
Tuesday, 27 February 2018

“When we die, our kamma will come and influence the mind to go according to the good or bad kamma that we have done."

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

18 February 2025

Kamma - Ajahn Suchart Abhijãto

“When we die, our kamma will come and influence the mind to go according to the good or bad kamma that we have done."

Nun“My father has passed away and I felt that his consciousness is stuck somewhere. I also got the confirmation about that from another teacher. So, I came here for a few days to have a quiet time and to do a lot of meditation, trying to help him to get him out of that state. Whatever I do, I will transfer the merit to him.”

Than Ajahn:  “You should let him be. You are creating problems for yourself. You still cling to him. You should let him go. Let his kamma take care of him. The Buddha said, ‘We all have our own kamma. No one could interfere with our kamma’.”

Nun “As a daughter, can’t I help?”

Than Ajahn:  “No, it’s about kamma, you cannot help. 

You can only help in terms of teaching him Dhamma. 

In order to teach him Dhamma, you have to be able to communicate with him. Like the Buddha, he could communicate with his mother. He helped her to become a Sotāpanna.

Your father needs Dhamma. He needs the teaching. You cannot use the merit that you make to help him. The merit you make is yours. You can only share a fraction of it. To do so, he has to be a hungry ghost (peta) to need this kind of help. If he is a deva, he doesn’t need this kind of help. If he is a hungry ghost (peta), then you can make puñña by giving dāna. You can dedicate this dāna to the peta."

Nun“I understand that it takes some time for the citta to take a new birth. So he is still somewhere in between the realms.”

Than Ajahn:  “No, he's not somewhere in between realms. The mind goes according to the kamma that the citta has accumulated. In your lifetime, you accumulate both good and bad kamma. At the time of death, these good and bad kamma will come and try to snatch the mind to whichever direction the kamma is stronger. If the bad kamma is stronger, it will pull the mind towards the apāya realm to become an animal, a peta, an asura or go to naraka. If the good kamma is stronger, then it will send the mind to the deva realm, a brahma realm or the ariya realm, to become a Sotāpanna. It depends on the kamma that you do at the time when you are still alive.

When we die, our kamma will come and influence the mind to go according to the good or bad kamma that we have done. There is no one can do anything for that citta. That spiritual being is under the guidance of the kamma."

Nun"In that process, isn’t it that we can send merits to them (to the spirit) just like a light energy which can help them?"

Than Ajahn:  "No. Only when the spirits come and seek your help, then you send it to them. If they don’t seek your help, that means they are not able to seek your help. They are under the condition that they are in and they will have to pay the kamma.”

From "Dhamma in English to a nun from Germany, Jan 05, 2018."

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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