
Wednesday 6 December 2017

Upcoming Events from Buddhist Society in Malaysia and Singapore

Upcoming events from 

Buddhist Society in Malaysia and Singapore

Dhamma Sharing
at Taiping Bodi Lankaram
Buddhist Association, Taiping, Perak, 
on Saturday 21 April 2018, at 8.00 pm,
by Bro. Tan Siang Chye,
on 'The Six Great Gifts'.

30th April, 2018

Learn to Let Go 
A half day retreat on 30 April with Ajahn Brahm in Singapore.
EARLY BIRD tickets are now available, click to register -

Luang Ta Maha Boowa's lineage, Venerable Ajahn Martin Piyadhammo will be making his first dhamma trip to Kuala Lumpur to preside over a Meditation Retreat. Do not miss this opportunity. 

Meditation Retreat with Ajahn Martin Piyadhammo 1st to 6th May 2018 

Venue: Bodhi Park, Shah Alam 1A, Persiaran Serai Wangi, Seksyen U12, 40170 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Date and timing: Check in: 3.00 pm, Tuesday, 1 May 2018 Check out: 2.00 pm, Sunday, 6 May 2018 
Register: online: Closing Date: 15 April 2018 or when maximum number of 50 pax is reached, whichever is earlier 
Observance: Participants are required to observe 8 precepts. The precept of not eating afternoon can be waived upon the teacher’s approval. All mobile communication devices are to be surrendered upon check in. 
Free of charge 
You are encouraged to make donations to support the cost of the retreat. Donations of any amount is appreciated. For enquiries, please contact: Sis. ST: 012331 3171 Bro. Kenny: 012211 6373 Bro. Henry: 019336 8396 email: 

TiRatana Penchala Community Centre

11 – 17 May 2018

Hokkien Mindful Hiking Retreat福建念住远足行禅营

with ĀyasmāAggacitta随奥智达尊者

11 – 17 May 2018, SBS, Taiping于太平护法苑

(1)   To practise mindfulness while hiking in the forested hills and resting in the camps, with particular emphasis on watching how the mind responds to the 6 senses due to past conditioning and present circumstances.

(2)    To try to apply what was learnt during the retreat in normal daily life to reduce suffering and increase happiness and contentment.

Overall Structure整体架构
(1)    Mindful practice to be done throughout the day and night during one’s wakeful hours.

(2)    Cultivating Buddhānussati and mettā individually (while hiking) and by group chanting every night.

(3)    Nightly guided open awareness meditation to remind everyone to train the mind to be in the present so that the subject (= the subjective experiencer / the mind that reacts or responds to the senses) could be monitored more closely for insightful understanding of causality / conditionality.

(4)    Nightly Dhamma talks to provide important information on the principles of practice.

(5)    Nightly sharing by each hiker of the day’s experiences: (a) to clear doubts about the theory and practice of mindfulness, (b) to inspire others, (c) to comment on and clarify individual behaviours and (d) to suggest improvements to communal life.
晚间分享时段, 营员将报告各自在日间的修习体验或心得。此举可:(a)厘清关于修习念住的理论和方法(b)启发其他营员(c)诠释与澄清营员个人行为(d)提供有益于营里共修和公共生活的建议。

Enquiry询问:SBSRC c/o Ms Lau:05-8411198/017-5182011;


1st June to 10th June, 2018

Practicing the two vehicle to Libration.
Concentration & Insight
With Sayalay Susila

Venue: Catskill Zen Monestary, Summitville New York

12th June to 24th June, 2018

The 2018 Theravada Samaneri Novitiate Programme
(3rd TSNP 2018) will be held on 12-24 June 2018.

   The 2018 programme is organised in memory of the Late Chief Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda in honour of his contribution to the development of Buddhism in Malaysia.
    Opportunities for 100 female candidates in Malaysia and overseas to participate in the 3rd TSNP 2018 have been made available.

The closing date is in April 2018.
Register with the registration form at this site:

Online Registration

Ah Boy to Monk
Listen to Phra Goh tell you his life story about why he became a monk!

Date: 3rd June 2018 (Sunday)   
Time: 2pm
Venue: Aranya Reference Room (Level 2)
Free Admission, All are Welcome

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