
Thursday 16 November 2017

Dhamma Link by Ven Dhammavuddho

Dhamma Link by Ven Dhammavuddho

Here we will compile a list of resources to be enjoyed and shared by new and old Buddhists alike (and followers of other sects)

SuttaCentral is a staple for all proponents of original or early Buddhism; it contains a great portion of the Pāli Canon (collected sayings of the Buddha) in Pāli (language believed to be spoken by the Buddha) and translated into English and other languages. You are directed to a random sutta (individual teaching of the Buddha) every time you visit the site's homepage:

Ancient Buddhist Texts also contains canonical texts, their translations and studies of grammar and prosody:

From Thai Forest Wisdom, regarding early Buddhism, selected writings:

Full pātimokkha here and other resources:

Dhamma Wheel is perhaps the most organized and comprehensive Theravāda Buddhist discussion forum on the internet; we direct you to its Early Buddhism subforum:

Tipiṭaka (Pāli Canon) in several other languages:

The Tipiṭaka in Pāli, Siṁhala and English:

Learn Pāli for free online: 

Additional resources will be added below.
For what this group's administration posits as veritable Buddhavacana (word of the Buddha), see the group description.

We ask that all posts at least remain on topic with regard to Buddhism and prefer that, aside from questions, devotional posts, art, etc., you share only from authentic texts; if you see inauthentic texts being shared, you can report them to admin or refute them, especially using EBTs (early Buddhist texts).

Ven Dhammavuddho

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