
Saturday 21 April 2018

Upcoming Events for 2018 MONTH OF MAY

Upcoming Events for 2018 Month of May 2018

Upcoming events for May 2018

1st May, 2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm 

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘 
Mandarin 🗣华语 

Enquiry 📱询问 : 
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

2nd May 2018 (Wed)

Revision class for Sayalay Cala's Abhidhamma Level 1 - Part 1
By Bro TC Lim
8 - 9 pm- Abhidhamma
9 - 10 pm - PALI

3rd May, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn 

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

5th May, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

5th May, 2018 (Sat)

Revision class for Sayalay Cala's Abhidhamma Level 1 - Part 1
By Bro TC Lim
8 -10 pm - Abhidhamma

7th April, 2018 (Mon) 

with Bro Loh Piak Hong

Every 1st & 3rd Monday
Time: 8.00 to 9.30 pm

8th May, 2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm 

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘 
Mandarin 🗣华语 

Enquiry 📱询问 : 
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

10th May, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn 

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

11th May, 2018 (Fri)

Talk by Ven Dhammavuddho 
Time: 8.00 pm

12th May, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

13th May, 2018 (Sun)

Revision class for Sayalay Cala's Abhidhamma Level 1 - Part 1
By Bro TC Lim
1 - 6 pm - Abhidhamma

15th May, 2018 (Tues)

New Moon Paritta Chanting & Meditation 

We will invite a Venerable to chant every Full Moon_
Dhamma family members birthday for that month can bring pot luck to share. 
*15 mins Meditation 
*Blessing for all birthday boy & girl for that month. 
*‎Blessing for all ML deceased members
*‎Transference of merits to all ML Dhamma family 

15th May, 2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm 

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘 
Mandarin 🗣华语 

Enquiry 📱询问 : 
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

16th May, 2018 (Wed)

Revision class for Sayalay Cala's Abhidhamma Level 1 - Part 1
By Bro TC Lim
8 - 9 pm- Abhidhamma
9 pm - 10 pm - PALI

17th May, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn 

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

18th May, 2018 (Fri)

18th to 20th May, 2018 (Fri to Sun) Abhidhamma course by Sayalay Cala - Part 2
Time: 8 pm to 10 pm - Chapter 1

19th May, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

19th May, 2018 (Sat)

18th to 20th May, 2018 (Fri to Sun) Abhidhamma course by Sayalay Cala - Part 2
Time: 9 am to 11 am Chapter 2
            1 pm to 3 pm  Chapter 3

20th May, 2018 (Sun)

18th to 20th May, 2018 (Fri to Sun) Abhidhamma course by Sayalay Cala - Part 2
Time:   9 am to 11 am Chapter 4
              1 pm to 3 pm  Chapter 5

Sunday night 7.30 pm to 10pm Meditation guidance with Vipassana and Abhidhamma points are for those who are interested in meditation.

Pls register or whatsapp  Bro Lock 0127642075

21st May, 2018 (Mon) 

with Bro Loh Piak Hong

Every 1st & 3rd Monday
Time: 8.00 to 9.30 pm

22nd May, 2018 (Tue)

22 - 25 May 2018: 
Luang Por Kham (55 vassa) comes to Johor with several senior monks: 
LP Koon Pattanakitvisan (51 vassa), 
LP Dhamrung (49 vassa), 
LP Suphap Supajaro (42 vassa) and LP Thawinh (34 vassa). 
Do not miss this chance for receiving teachings and giving dana!

Talks are in Thai with English translation.

22nd May, 2018 (Tues)(CANCELLED) 

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm 

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘 
Mandarin 🗣华语 

Enquiry 📱询问 : 
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

24th May, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn 

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

26th May, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

26th May, 2018 (Sat)

Dhamma Talk by
Bhante Ariya Dassana
Time: 8.00 pm

28th May, 2018 (Mon)

Vesak eve celebration

29th May, 2018 (Tues)

Vesak Day Celebration 

29th May, 2018 (Tues)

Full Moon Paritta Chanting & Meditation 

We will invite a Venerable to chant every Full Moon
Dhamma family members birthday for that month can bring pot luck to share. 
*15 mins Meditation 
*Blessing for all birthday boy & girl for that month. 
*‎Blessing for all ML deceased members
*‎Transference of merits to all ML Dhamma family 

29th May, 2018 (Tues)(CANCELLED) 

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm 

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘 
Mandarin 🗣华语 

Enquiry 📱询问 : 
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

31st May, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn 

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm