
Thursday, 22 March 2018

Upcoming Events for 2018 MONTH OF APRIL

Upcoming Events for 2018


1st April, 2018 (Sun)

Time: 8 pm
Dhamma Talk by Bhante Aggacitta at RPMC Kulai 

Right Path Meditation Center (RPMC Kulai)
Drive there using Waze:

2nd April, 2018 (Mon)

with Bro Loh Piak Hong

Every 1st & 3rd Monday
Time: 8.00 to 9.30 pm

3rd April, 2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance 

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

4th April,  2018 (Wed)

Talk by Bro Datuk Charlie Chia
Title "Four Noble Truths - The formula of Life“

Datuk Charlie Chia

Speaker Profile :
Datuk Charlie Chia formally working as the Group CEO of UMLand Berhad, a property development company. He holds a Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours) from the University of Technology Malaysia (1978), LL.B (Honours) from University of London (1994), Certificate of Legal Practice (1995). Datuk Charlie Chia is a well-known Lay Speaker in the local scene. He gives inspiring talks to the Buddhist Societies, Universities and Colleges. He is also invited to give talks around Malaysia. 

He speaks well on subjects such as practical Buddhist daily living, main Buddhist doctrines and motivational & positive thinking. He has conducted many Buddhist camps and retreats. He is credited with the formation of Buddhist organisations such as BMS Youth Section, Kota Tinggi Buddhist Society, *Metta Lodge Johor Bahru* and Kuantan Buddhist Association. He was a former President of Bandar Utama Buddhist Society , UTM Buddhist Society, BMS Youth Section, Kuantan Buddhist Association and former Secretary General of Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia.

5th April, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing 
with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

7th April, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

10th April, 2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance 

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

11th April, 2018 (Wed)

Pali / Buddhist Social Philosophy by Bro T C Lim

For details Bro TC Lim
Hp no: +60177455093

12th April, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing 
with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

14th April, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

15th April,  2018 (Sun)

Maha Sanghikadana Dana & Annual AGM

Time: 9 am to 12 pm

How To Help parents who have die

Qing Ming Festival - Honoring the departed

16th April, 2018 (Mon)

New Moon Paritta Chanting &

We will invite a Venerable to chant every Full Moon_
Dhamma family members birthday for that month can bring pot luck to share. 
*15 mins Meditation  *Blessing for all birthday boy & girl for that month. 
*‎Blessing for all ML deceased members
*‎Transference of merits to all ML Dhamma family 

with Bro Loh Piak Hong
Every 1st & 3rd Monday
Time: 8.00 to 9.30 pm

17th April, 2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance 

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

18th April, 2018

Morning pindapat at Taman Melodies Hawker food centre (pls be punctual & bring vegetarians food only)

18th April, 2018 (Wed)

Pali / Buddhist Social Philosophy by Bro T C Lim

For details Bro TC Lim
Hp no: +60177455093

19th April, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing 
with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

Time 8.00 to 10.00 pm

20th - 22nd April, 2018

Sharing by Bro Billy Tan from Kuala Lumpur

Program :
20th April, 18 (Fri evening)

 8pm - 10 pm -  
Dhamma Sharing: 
"The Middle Way In A Stressful World"

Metta Joy Club Youth Activity

21st April, 18 (Sat )

"Mindfulness Based Laughter Yoga For Health & Happiness"

21st April,  18 ( Sat evening)

 8 pm - 10 pm -  
Dhamma Sharing: 
"Satipatthana As A Psychotherapy"

22nd April, 18 (Sun)

10 am - 12 noon Mindfulness Based Emotional Composure Stress Reduction Program.

24th April, 2018 (Tues)

Live Streaming video Meditation Guidance 

🕖 7:45 pm-9:15 pm

Ajahn Cagino 👤  永觉比丘
Mandarin 🗣华语

Enquiry 📱询问 :
如权  Bro Keh +601128680823

26th April, 2018 (Thur)

Fellowship & Dhamma sharing 
with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn

28th April, 2018 (Sat)

2018 Buddhist Youth Saturday Activities

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

30th April,  2018

Full Moon Paritta Chanting
& Meditation 

We will invite a Venerable to chant every Full Moon_
Dhamma family members birthday for that month can bring pot luck to share. 
*15 mins Meditation  *Blessing for all birthday boy & girl for that month. 
*‎Blessing for all ML deceased members
*‎Transference of merits to all ML Dhamma family 

Time: 8 pm

Thursday, 1 March 2018

The benefit of having jhāna Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

24 February 2025

“The benefit of having jhāna.”

Layperson“Is there any shortcut if we want to attain to nibbāna?”

Than Ajahn:  “Yes, the shortest way is to become a monk, the Buddha’s way. The Buddha had to become a monk first. Then, he became enlightened within 6 years. For us, we can even be faster because we have a teacher. We have the Buddha as our teacher. He guaranteed that if you become a monk, you can become enlightened in 7 days. If it’s not in 7 days, you can be enlightened in 7 months. If it’s not 7 months, you can be enlightened in 7 years. He guaranteed that. So, this is the shortest way. You have to become a monk.”

Layperson“How about for a woman?”

Than Ajahn:  “It is the same. A woman can become a mae chee or a nun. There is no difference. Whether you are a man or a woman, what you have to practice is the same. You have to keep sīla. You have to develop samādhi. You have to develop paññā. There are monasteries where they accept women to stay for long term to practice. You just have to look around.”

Question“What is the benefit of having jhāna?”

Than Ajahn:  “Jhāna is good for your mind because it will bring you the real happiness. If you have jhāna, your mind will be content, happy and not be hungry. 

You can live without having anything. You can live without money. You can live without a husband or wife.

If your mind is not calm (not having jhāna), your mind will be desiring for things, it will be hungry. It will hunger for people’s companionship, for things, for money and all the things that we are usually hungry for. 

That’s because people don’t have jhāna. For those who have jhāna, they can live like a monk. They don’t need to have anything to make them happy. They have jhāna to make them happy.

In order to have jhāna, you have to have a strong and continuous mindfulness. Right now your mindfulness is not continuous. It comes and goes. Sometimes you forget to be mindful and you let your mind keeps thinking. When you keep thinking, your mind cannot become calm, you cannot enter into jhāna. The only way to enter into jhāna is to stop thinking.

The way to stop thinking is to concentrate your mind on one object such as a mantra, like reciting Buddho, Buddho, Buddho. If you don’t like the mantra, you can concentrate on your body movement. Keep watching your body from the time you get up to the time you go to sleep. Tie your mind to the body. Don’t let your mind go think about other things. However, this is not easy for laypeople because laypeople have to think about work, about other people, about responsibilities. So, that’s why you have to become a monk.

When you become a monk, you have no work, have no people to worry about or engage with. Then, you can concentrate on your body movement or you can concentrate on your mantra. Once you can do this, when you sit, your mind can enter into jhāna very quickly. You can enter into jhāna in 5 minutes if your mindfulness is continuous. If you can focus your mind on one object, like reciting a mantra or if you’re sitting down and you can focus on your breath, you can make your mind enters into jhāna very easily.

So, you need to be free from other obligations, other activities. If you still have to get involve with other activities or with people, you will not be able to concentrate on one object. Then, you cannot stop thinking. You cannot enter into jhāna.

When you don’t have jhāna, you have no happiness. 

You then look for happiness from outside your body, outside your mind. You go look for money, look for people and you go to different places to make you happy. So, you have to try to develop a lot of mindfulness. You can do this although it’s difficult if you’re working. It will be easier to develop mindfulness on your day off where you can isolate yourself from everything. Then, you can focus on developing mindfulness, concentrating your mind on one object, either by observing your body or by reciting a mantra. And when you can sit in meditation, you sit for as long as possible. If you keep doing this, eventually, you will be able to enter into jhāna. Once you know how to enter into jhāna, you can always do it all the time.”

From:  “Dhamma in English to laypeople from Indonesia, Feb 11, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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