
Wednesday 4 May 2016

Brief History of Metta Lodge

Brief History of Metta Lodge

Metta Lodge was started by a group of enthusiastic Buddhists in the early 80’s through the bond of fellowship and a desire to learn and practise the teachings of our Lord Buddha, as well as to acquire knowledge and skills in meditation.

It was officially registered with the Registrar of Societies on 7/1/1982 (thirty-four years to-date).
During the first 5 years (from 1982 – 1987), we had to operated without a fixed premise. We were required to move from one rented house to another. Realising that this could not go on indefinitely, it was then decided that a permanent home be bought for the centre. With limited financial support from members/well wishers, we finally managed to acquire its present premise, a double- storey building, at
No. 26, Jalan Rengas, Taman Melodies, 80250 Johor Bahru.

Since then, Metta lodge has stamped a mark of love and trust in the hearts of many Buddhists in Johor Bahru. Its membership as well as activities managed by volunteers, have continued to expand at an unexpectedly promising tempo.

Who we are.

When a permanent home was finally established for Metta Lodge, it was noticed that there was a thirst amongst members and well-wishers for the Dhamma to be taught in English and because of this, Metta Lodge started to thrive and flourish as it was the first and only English speaking centre on Theravada Buddhism in Johor Bahru. Since then it has achieved much in promoting goodwill and tolerance and in propagating the Buddha's teachings. Its many activities include Dhamma talks, Dhamma discussions, fellowship activities, Dhamma classes for children and adults. singing classes, Mandarin classes, full and new moon services, Buddhist celebrations and activities such as Vesak Day, Sanghika Dana and many others.


Metta Lodge has a membership of wide spectrum of lay-people. This includes housewives, senior-citizens, university - undergraduates, doctors, engineers, lawyers, teachers, website-designers and other professionals thus achieving one of its objectives of sharing the Dhamma for the benefit of people from all walks of life

Membership Fee

Ordinary member RM12/ a year

Life member RM100/ (one time payment after 3 years as ordinary member)


To cater to the needs of its members and well-wishers, Metta Lodge provides the following weekly activities:


8 pm to 10 pm Chanting lessons (Every 2nd & 4th Mon)
Singing lessons (Every 1st & 3rd Mon)


8 pm to 10 pm  Live Video Streaming & Meditation practice (Guided by Ajahn Cagino)


8 pm to 10 pm Pali Lessons led by Bro Lim Tuan Chit. (1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month)


8 pm to 10 pm Dhamma & Fellowship with Dr Wong Yin Onn


6.30 pm to 8 pm Mandarin lessons conducted by Sis Chan Seow Lin

7.15 pm to 9 pm Dhamma Talk by Ajahn Anan via video conference.


9 am to 11.30 am- MJ Club Activities/ Adult -Dhamma class/Health Talk/Public Speaking sessions

11.30 am to 12.30 pm

Free tuition for students of primary and secondary schools.


9 am 11 am Puja (Paritta Chanting) & Meditation

2 pm to 4 pm  Group events led by Samuha Group coordinator Sis Siow Yoke Ling once a month.

Events for Dhamma kaki or senior-citizens such as  round-table meetings to discuss the Dhamma, current issues, hobbies, tour experiences n other topics of interest.
Once a week gathering with pot-luck cuisines & coffee/tea drinking.

New Building- Our Dhamma Home

As the reputation of Metta Lodge grew and took flight, it was noted that a bigger building with enough space to cater for all its needs became an urgent matter. Our dream came true when our application for a piece of land to build a Metta Lodge Meditation Centre was approved by the Johor State Government. As this piece of land is in Taman Johor Jaya, a suburb of Johor Bahru, we are confident that Metta Lodge will expand further to serve and inspire a much bigger community.

Purpose of the Meditation & Learning Centre

Johor Jaya being a predominantly Chinese and Buddhist township will benefit largely from the establishment of a proper centre as it would provide and encourage a more guided Buddhist practice. This would enhance the moral standards amongst the Buddhist residents and would contribute positively to society as it would help create  a more harmonious, peaceful and conducive environment for all, young and old. Metta Lodge would then be achieving another milestone of providing the basic requirements for experiencing , contemplating and practising the Teachings of our Lord Buddha.


To promote:

Buddhist Education,
Dhamma Propagation,
Spiritual Development,
Leadership Training ,
Youth Development & Creativity,
Research & Publication


"Pariyatti Patipatti Pativedha" (Study, Practice, Realize) was adopted with the hope that all members would make it their personal motto.

Aims & Objectives

1. To study & promote Therevada Buddhism and Buddhist Culture.

2. To encourage, foster and develop the qualities of truth, loving-kindness and compassion.

3. To cultivate religious harmony and understanding in the practice of Buddhism.

4. To encourage and promote the practice of Buddhist meditation.

5. To give proper advice and guidance for the practice of Buddhism in the right perspective.

6. To offer spiritual-assistance to members and any lay-person during times of difficulties.

7. To liaise with all Buddhist organisations in promoting the Noble Teachings of the  Buddha

 8. To raise funds and to receive such donations as may be given to Metta Lodge strictly for the carrying out of the above aims and objectives.

What we offer now and into the future

1) A place for our children
    led by MJ Club  committee-members.


-sharing Dhamma lessons with our children , university-undergraduates and    adults on Saturdays.
-Lantern Festival gathering.
-Public Speaking courses.
-Puja and Adult Dhamma sharings.
-CNY sing- along-sessions.
-Day of Gratitude,                                            
-Thanksgiving & Forgiveness
-Father's/Mother's/ Parents Days.
-Organise musical concert for our children and youths.
-Outbound children activities together with parents to foster harmonious family-relationship & enhancement of extra curriculum activities for students.
-Children Vesak celebrations
-Free Tuition
-Youth Groups to meet for activities such as Youth Dhamma camps, social  gatherings for our youths in our Dhamma 'home' which will be our new building
-Research & Publication
-Free Publication books, CDs  
-Web, blog & social media
-Printing of t-shirts and event-posters and bulletins.

MJ Club Advisor

Dr Wong Yin Onn

2) A place for fellowship and social welfare community services
    led by Fellowship Committee


- Samuha Group
- Health talk
- Cooking classes
- Flower arrangement lessons
- Astrology classes
- Dhamma kaki (senior citizens round-table meetings to discuss the Dhamma, current issues, hobbies, tour experiences and other activities such as once a week  pot luck gathering with coffee and tea )
-Visits to homes for the under-privileged, orphans, and senior- citizens.
-Visit to sick/ terminally ill members
-Donation to victims of natural disasters
-Carrying out charity events such as providing school bags, shoes and stationery to poor needy students.
-Fellowship tours to other Buddhist centres  (local as well as overseas.)
-House Dana and fellowship
-CNY fellowship (pot luck night)
-'Buddhists support spiritual networking with Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia &  New Zealand. The purpose is to build a network and support group to help  fellow Buddhists who may be traveling to/in these countries and may encounter  difficulties.
-Dancing/yoga classes.

3) A place for practice
    led by Public Relation Committee


Chanting Group

-full/new moon chanting                
-Asalha Puja (July)                    
-Bojjhanga Puja.                                                
-Wake chanting
-Metta to the world
-CNY eve/day blessings

Singing Groups.

-Hymn singing
-Chinese & English song

-Bereavement Support Services
-Wedding Ceremonies.
-Birthday celebrations.

4) A place for studying and practising the Dhamma
    led by Dhamma Propagation Committee


 -Fellowship & Dhamma sharing on Thursdays.
-Organising Sanghikadana in conjunction with Qing Ming and Chinese 7th month, celebrating Independent Day and blessings for childrens sitting for major public examinations
-Vesak celebrations,
-Kathina or Robe offerings
-Sutta workshops,
-Dhamma talks & Meditation Retreats
-2013- photo exhibition in collaboration with projects by Ajahn Cagino
- 2008- Free Medical camp attended by specialist doctors and blood donation and pledging organs in conjunction with Vesak celebration                                  
-Talks by the late Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda Maha Nayaka Thera, Chief Priest of Malaysia and Singapore, Ajahn Brahm, Ayasma Aggacitta & many other monks from oversea
-Pindapatta (alms offering to monks)
-Live video conferencing Dhamma Talk Friday with Ajahn Anan
-courses for Diploma/ Degree in Buddhism
-Mandarin/Pali classes
-Abhidhamma classes

5) A place to contribute services to build our Dhamma Home
    led by Building Technical Committee


- to prepare documents to seek approval to build our Dhamma home
- to build our Dhamma home

 6) A place to gain merits
     led by Fund Raising Committee


- to raise funds to build our Dhamma home
-23/4/2016 - Fund Raising 'Love & Peace' high tea cum floral exhibition & show
-End of year dinner/concert
-Sales of cement-bricks
-Food & fund fair
-Sales of memorial plaques/Buddha's images
-Sales of t-shirts
-Sales of monk-robes
-any other fund raising activities

7) A place to offer house-keeping contributions for our Dhamma home
    led by Building Maintainence Committee


-recycling activities to encourage environment protection,
 awareness & educate the children.

Our Spiritual advisors:

The above programmes would not have been able to take roots leave alone grown so vibrant without the support and inspiration of our Spiritual advisors.
Maha Sadhu to them

They are :

1) The Late Ven. Dr K Sri Dhammananda Maha Nayaka Thera,
    Chief Priest of Malaysia and Singapore (Buddhist Maha Vihara)

2) Ayasma Aggacitta (Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary)

3) Venerable Jutipanno (Dhamma Light Light Meditation Centre)

To know more about Metta Lodge do join our Metta Lodge whatsapp group.

1) One for notification on activities & Dhamma sharing only
    (ML Dhamma Sharing)
    For those who prefer less traffic

2) 2nd one for Any info & notification. (Metta Lodge JB)

Kindly fill the Online form if u are a new member or wanted to know more about Metta Lodge