
Tuesday 26 April 2016

SVW 2014 Yogi Meditation discussion with Bhante Aggacitta on meditation

SVW 2014 Yogi Meditation discussion with Bhante Aggacitta on meditation

18th Feb, 2016

Dear Bhante,

Today's meditation, just watching the five aggregates, the sensation, feelings, perceiving, knowing and investigation. Notice that all arises and passes away instaneously. Mind feel sad cannot do anything about it. Just watch. The moment if  there is no knowing-seeing the mind is already involving. There is knowing-seeing mind, questioning and answering going on sometimes it is done intentionlly and sometimes automatically.

Then this advice from Bhante arises to pre-program check the conditioning for its arising not surmising and it check and found out that due to knowing seeing and questioning that condition the answer and clear seeing to arise.

After sitting for quite sometime just seeing everything arises and passes away instantaneously, mind quite sad because it cannot remove the whole thing away. Then suddenly it sees it's not I who do it and it become more interesting to watch, just sit back and watch, investigate and learn. The five aggregates already can function by itself just by depending on conditionality. There is nothing there at all, every little thing arises and instantly gone. Holding on to it is an illusion, how can you hold on something that is gone.

Bhante this is today's learning.
Would appreciate very much Bhante's guidance and pointing out what I did not see clearly.

Sādhu, GE.
with mettā,

19th Feb, 2016

Dear Bhante,

Saw that this mind has an old program which can automatically runs by itself driven by its whims and fancies. It can simply goes into a dream state or imaginary state and function by itself when the mind is in a certain state of conditioning.

Knowing-seeing this there is a kind of feeling of not wanting to be run by this old automatic program robot machine, the mind can become quiet quite easily.

Once there is no knowing-seeing mind, it is automatically run by this old program machine.

This old program machine if not take care properly,  it is dangerous, it is out of order, it can just run by itself automatically depending on various conditioning.

The knowing-seeing of how this old program machine runs more and more, it makes the mind wants to be in the know-see mode otherwise the old program machine will take over again.

Hoping that this knowing-seeing will help to condition the mind to stay more often in the know-see mode.

It is all about learning there is so much more to learn, to know-see clearer and clearer because this old conditioned program machine is so powerful and it can come in many many forms and not seeing or recognising it clearly it falls into that trap again, because the mind is not skilled in immediately recognising it when it arises and thus run by it again.

Usually it arises with a past static image or picture of the whole scene, not recognising the mind thinks that it is happening now and start interacting with it unknowingly and sometimes it is the force of craving that is the driver. Every time it recognise there is a defilement associate with it, the mind like shrink don't quite like it.

Would appreciate very much Bhante's advice and guidance.
With much gratitude, respect and mettā,
Gim Ean

Dear Banthe,

I notice that the know-see mind or I call it the pure awareness is hard to maintain thru out the day. Especially when is very tired or falling sleepy. Is it the sati not strong enough?

Looks like it.​

2 days ago during meeting a client to discuss some design on a buddhist film festival and he show us a trailer of a movie name "shankara". All the shot is very simple just a lot of repeated action by being, and out of sudden I related it to the moving mind, a though follow by another, no matter it had meaning or meaningless. The mind is just keep turning by itself. The awareness clearly know all these is suffering, it really meaningless to create all these things.

Now I have a situation is like lost interest to do anything, but it strange that is some things or people come and enquiry, the awareness mind aware that the mind and body react to the action automatically base on previous conditioning. Some may not be appropriate in term of others may not feel happy or offended. It seem like need to do new conditioning to react to people. But the mind seem like not interested. May bathe advice or give some direction.

​Look at the drawbacks of not making the effort to re-condition the mind, especially the suffering caused to yourself and/or others.​ Remember also the practice of the 4 brahmavihāras (mettā, karuṇā, muditā and upekkhā), especially the first two.

I not study Pali canon, so I don't know all those term, but really learn a lot from this forum thru all the sharing from bro and sis here. Shadu x 3
Beng Chee

Thank you very much for your advice. Bhante
Beng Chee

Dear Bhante,

The mind is a bit confused. Is the know see mind a direct experience which happens when the conditions are right (When there is enough awareness and the mind is clear, alert, peaceful & relaxed) or is it a tool which can be applied in the practice?

My understanding of sati- sampajanna is : Sati is to remember, and we can train the mind to have sati to be aware. Sampajanna is clear comprehension /clear knowing which happens when the conditions are right( when there is enough awareness and the mind is clear, alert, peaceful & relaxed).

Are these  wrong perceptions, Bhante?
With Gratitude, Respect & Metta,

I don't see any confusion, Chuah.
Everything (saṅkhāra, I mean) arises and passes away due to causes and conditions.
with mettā,

21st Feb, 2016

Bhante's pointing out this "know-see" mind have given me a lot of confidence to really go into it.

This know-see mind have a unique and special kind of seeing.
It knows and sees things clearly, directly, instantly and there is an immediate understanding without words.

This know-see mind is a wonderful tool. Just by watching it, it can ends thing immediately.

And another one is sati-sampajañña that can also know-see, it gives space for the mind to see, to investigate the causes and conditioning for it's arising.

Maha sadhu Bhante for all the advices and guidance.
Thank you so much.
With much gratitude, respect and mettā,
Gim Ean

with mettā,

3rd March, 2016

Dear Bhante,

This mind is very interested to watch moment to moment how conditionality arises and passes away due to various causes and conditions. It keeps the mind busy because there are so many little, little things arising and passing away so fast. The mind is spacious and it is learning to see things differently.

*Every moment and everything is fully supported by conditionality due to past conditioning and present circumstances.
It has to happened because it is completely supported by conditionality which is flowing very fast non stop. No way you can stop it.

*Notice that when defilement arises it is accompanied with feelings. Not seeing it and acting on it, can hurt myself and others.

*When there is positive thinking it's accompanied with pleasant feeling and negative with unpleasant feelings.

*Remembering or forgetting is also conditioned. So to remember often need to re program so that it can arise often.

*All thoughts, feelings, perceptions is based on past conditioning.

* Just a word that pop up from the mind, it will automatically relate to things that are related to it.

*Questions and answers that pops up are also conditioned.

*Notice all past perceptions, knowledges and infomations are not satisfying.

It is inaccurate and incomplete due to dependent on conditioning which many we did not see and many cannot see when the condition are not there.

*Recognising that things are  false and not worth clinging it can end immediately.

Seeing that every little moment is conditioned the mind is peaceful, spacious and has a sense of acceptance and not so resistance.

But when there is no seeing and it is involving there is no space and it is tiring and stressful.

Would appreciate very much Bhante's advice, comments and am I seeing correctly.
With gratitude, respect and mettā,
Gim Ean

Sadhu and thank you very Bhante for all the guidance and advice.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

11th March, 2016

Dear Bhante,

This morning meditation I was watching this thought and know-see functions.

Notice that thoughts, sense or mind experiences just pop up continuously due to various conditioning. Thoughts is always based on past experiences, knowledges and it is not complete and either it will imagine, make an assumption and conclusion.


But after know-see process, thought is then quite new, it is from what have just seen. Bhante am I seeing correctly?

​New in what sense? Doesn't it also rely on past perception and experience to interpret what has just arisen?​

**Yes Bhante, It arises based on past perception and experience to interpret what has just arisen.
What I mean new thought in a sense it is a new understanding, which in the past I don't have such  understanding.
Eg: Seeing the causes and conditioning of how past perception and feelings pop up again and again which is actually a remembrance which is past and gone. It can still be

experienced so real in just a thought.
Know-see is different it is always in the now and sees the just arisen state. It sees whatever that come in the field of awareness the whole, wordless and  without any choice. There is an understanding arises on and off.

​How does that understanding appear to the mind?​

**Eg: Just by knowing and seeing how all the sense and mind experiences arises and pass away, then the mind notice it is really a non stop flux, just flowing and moving depending on various conditioning. Then after knowing and seeing it for quite sometime suddenly there is this pop up of understanding arises like how can this ongoing flow belongs to anybody. It is already flowing depending on conditionality whether you are there or not.
Bhante what is this faculty of know-see. Is it perceiving/seeing and knowing?

​Know-see is simply know-see. Can you differentiate between perception (saññā) and know-see (ñāṇa-dassana)?​

 **Sañña is past remembrance. It recognises immediately when it pops up.

Knowing and seeing is quiet and wordless. It just knows and see things exactly as it is, no adding or minus anything . It is not always there. It work together with sati-sampajañña.
Understanding will just pop up when condition is there.


This sinus have given me a lot of complication and stress because of not having clear understanding what actually happens. Have to go in and out of hospital and let the doctor handle. But in this stress I have really really learn a lot of dhamma from it.

Every obstacle or challenge​ in life can be a wonderful stepping stone for spiritual progress if we have practised

​/ are practising ​

well enough.  ​

Would appreciate very much Bhante's advice,  guidance and whether I am seeing correctly?
With gratitude, respect, metta,
Gim Ean

Hi GE,
Please read my replies below.
with mettā,

Bhante I have a reply below.
Would appreciate very much Bhante's guidance if I am not seeing correctly.
With gratitude, respect, metta
Gim Ean

with mettā,

Thank you very much Bhante
With gratitude, respect, mettă,
Gim Ean

18th March, 2016

Dear Bhante,

Seeing the actual state of mind that has just arisen, how it arises and it's gone immediately and nothing remains, except remembrance of this just arisen and past away perception which sometimes stays.

This arising and passing away phenomena is like a river flowing on its own, it can flow by itself smoothly, perfectly with its right proportion and balance of everything. Its like it's has its own orderly manner and cannot stop it from happening. It has to happen.

Bhante is this happening resultant/vipaka?

Interfering the flow is like disrupting the order of the flow. The only way not to interrupt it, is to know-see not touching it at all and it stop exaggerating it. Things are already happening on it's own depending on various causes and conditionality. Don't have to do anything just watch.

It is very beneficial if it can see this state of mind, how it arises and gone immediately there is an ending of pain or delight immediately and there is a temporarily relief and don't have to suffer unnecessarily, otherwise this old program mind will take over and react automatically which is carried away by the past remembrance, the same old habitual pattern.

Sometimes this craving and hoping to become better mind can creep in and if it is not seen, mind will start pursuing the past remembrance.

Mind in knowing-seeing mode is just quietly watching and when it is in past remberance there is a lot of reaction and it is stressful.

This is today's meditation. Would appreciate Bhante's advice or guidance and am I seeing correctly?
With gratitude, respect, mettā
Gim Ean

19th. March, 2016

Great observations, GE.
This arising and passing away phenomena is like a river flowing on its own, it can flow by itself smoothly, perfectly with its right proportion and balance of everything. Its like it's has its own orderly manner and cannot stop it from happening. It has to happen.

Bhante is this happening resultant/vipaka?

Partly vipaka partly volitional. But they are all sankharas: constructed, constructing and/or becoming the causes & conditions for other constructions. Anicca because they keep on changing all the time. Dukkha because they can't be stopped, can't be relied on. Anatta because they are all subject to causes & conditions, not under anyone's control.
with mettā

Thank you so much Bhante for the clear explanation. This infomations has help me to have a much clearer view of the whole thing.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

24th. March, 2016

Knowing and seeing that in truth every moment especially  psychologically everything is alive, moving, not static, it is arising and passing away and it's dead and gone moment to moment.

Have caught this old program automatic and habitual mind, how when there is a sense or mind experiences occurred, past perception of the past incident arises immediately, mind is immediately participating and engaging in it, thinking about it, imagining about it and there is the arising of feeling of fear, of like, of dislike and acting upon it based on past remembrance. All these are happening by itself automatically.

Knowing and seeing in truth everything arises and passes away immediately and it's dead and gone. It knows that it is not in charge cos it pops up on its own due to various conditioning, this helps the mind to stop or end entertaining this process of thinking, engaging and imagining about it unless it is necessary. This can only happen when there is a knowing-seeing mind otherwise it will be busy entertaining it.

The mind have a sense of freedom when it is able to catch the mind doing that.  It knows that it's not worth while entertaining it because it is all due to the old program mind and also the mind have this function of thinking or imagining due to various causes and conditioning, it has to happen.

Would appreciate very much Bhante's further advice and guidance.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

with mettā

Thank you very much Bhante  for all the guidance and advice.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

31st Mac, 2016

Dear Bhante,
Sinus is giving me a lot of problem and mother is not well too and have to take care of her.
Fortunately the mind find interest in seeing moment to moment how things arises and passes away instantaneously. I find it very interesting to see how I really do not know what is going to pop up next moment and next moment. It cannot be plan it just pop up so fast, change and gone the next moment.

Everything arises due to past conditioning and present circumstances. It arises due to various causes and conditioning on its own. The mind have to be very quiet and still to watch closely and  clearly what is the mind doing. When thoughts or any sense or mind experiences arises the mind naturally response or react but because of the knowing and seeing mind is there it has no chance to proliferate further, it has to end immediately because it recognises the same old past thought and sense experiences which is not beneficial at all. This has help the mind to be calm, peaceful and more acceptance in what is happening.

Another thing I observed is that because of this observation the things observed is undergoing a change and end by itself peacefully because there is no pursuing or rejecting it. In fact there is nothing really worth while to pursue. Everything have the nature to arise and pass away instantly due to various conditionality. I don't have to do anything at all, just quietly, watching closely what comes up and what is the mind doing. This calmness also gives space for natural qi to arise and do it's job naturally.

Would appreciate very much Bhante 's advice and guidance.
🙏🙏 🙏
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

1st April, 2016

with mettā,

5th April, 2016

Dear Bhante,

Notice that when the mind is not meditating it is putting together all the immediate or long past events that arises, make a story out of it and live with it.

When it is meditating it is knowing and seeing what have just arisen. When it is not naming it, it is just a bare phenomenal arises and passes away instantaneously.

The five aggregates sensations, perception, feelings, knowing and intention arises automatically simultaneously, cannot pin point because it is changing too fast.
Everything is automatically happening by itself due to various causes and conditionality.

Words, meanings, images, wanting, is gross and heavy. If it hold on to it, it seems to become static.

Worrying and wanting the sickness to go away is very heavy and gross. The mind is tired and getting very fed up. Cannot find any true and completely right knowledge to handle it but can only do my level best, the rest leave it to nature or for kamma to takes its place.

This is today's contemplation. Would appreciate Bhante's advice and guidance.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

Sadhu for the inspiring sharing.
with mettā

7th April, 2016

Dear Bhante,
Sadhu and thank you very much for all the guidance and advice.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

12th April, 2016

Dear Bhante,

When the mind is knowing and seeing, it is very simple, very spacious, clear, light and easy. Everything is in a flux.

When thoughts interfere it, the object is intensified. It interpretes in words, meanings, images and pictures, making it solid and concrete. Wanting and not wanting it, is modifying and intensifying the object. The object become gross looks like static and very slow in changing because the mind is holding on to the object.

It is like two different world. One is spacious, light, easy and everything is just arising and passing away like a flow of different intensity of phenomenal changing non stop.

The "thought " is gross, heavy, solid based on its habitual pattern or tendency, past perceptions, feelings, experiences, emotions and it's preferences which keep on modifying non stop according to how much it crave or desire.

The mind now see that the "thinking mind" if not well taken care of, create a lot of unnecessary suffering. Attachment is really painful because of wanting it to stay or to go away.

Bhante does delusion means not seeing this mind is program and conditioned and it is running the whole system. In truth there is nothing but only a flux, just arising and passing away of phenomena?

This is today's meditation. Would appreciate very much Bhante's advice, guidance and whether it is seeing correctly and what it is not seeing.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

14th. April, 2016

We cannot survive or function effectively in the world without thoughts. The awakened ones understand the limitations and usefulness of thoughts. So, they think only when it is necessary. In other words, saññā-thoughts may arise spontaneously, but they have sati-sampajañña and pursue only those that pass the BARR Test, and contemplate the others as constructions (saṅkhāras) that are anicca, dukkha and anatta. Like you wrote, they can see them as an endless flow of phenomena linked my multiple causes and conditions. Nothing worth clinging to.

The deluded mind, on the other hand, does not see this but instead takes delight in all these mental activities.
with mettā,

Thank you Bhante for pointing out clearly what is the right thing to do and not to do. Appreciate so much for all the guidance and advice
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

16th April, 2016

Dear Bhante,

Today's meditation notice that every little litter moment everything is fully conditioned not necessary to do anything, everything is already happening by itself, the 5 aggregates is already doing its job among themselves.

Only when the mind think about the self, the self will arise. It is actually a thought, a remembrance and associations with certain kind of identification.

The "desire" that arises is wanting "what is actually happening in the now"  to change, to improve, to be better. Seeing this nature of "desire" the mind just acknowledged such is the nature of "desire". And it's not necessary to interfere it with desire, it's just another state of mind which have such character.

When knowing and seeing is there, everything is arising and passing away moment to moment and the mind is not proliferating it further.

Notice that in daily activities when there is no sati-sampajañña, the mind always go back to the old habitual pattern which is mechanical, repetitive and is automatic. Have to remind myself often to have sati-sampajañña.

Bhante's advice is very good and beneficial that is to see
"saññā-thoughts may arise spontaneously, but they have sati-sampajañña and pursue only those that pass the BARR Test, and contemplate the others as constructions (sañkhāras) that are anicca, dukkha and anatta."

This mind has a very bad impression about thoughts always pushing it away and it is now learning to do it according to Bhante's advice.

Would appreciate Bhante's advice and guidance very much.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

Inspiring sharing, GE.
with mettā,

17th April, 2016

Dear Bhante,

Today's meditation saw that every little little moment everything is already fully conditioned. It is like one don't have to do anything at all and also one don't have to feel burden or responsible for every little thing because one can't do anything about it, because every little thing is already condition by each other and it is happening by itself so fast.

One can only watch.

Every slight touch or interference is creating another conditioning. Have to often check if there is a desire or a wanting it to be otherwise  which is quite a strong conditioning which  can influence the flow.

Have to have a pure observation then only the mind is able to see what is actually happening moment to moment in the now, because any motives it will influence the mind.

Notice that sometime doubts arises and the question also arises and automatically there is an answer or understanding arises. Sometimes just see only and it just ask "why" and answer automatically pops up.

The body is very sick due to non stop sinus congestion. Natural qi is there helping to relief the congestion. Strange and interesting to see how natural qi do the job on its own.

This is today's meditation. Would appreciate very much Bhante's advice or guidance and am I seeing it correctly.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

with mettā

Thank you very much Bhante.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

20th April, 2016

Dear Bhante,

Today's meditation notice that it is suffering when the mind is not knowing and seeing it directly.

When there is a sense experiences thoughts-sanna-vedana is actually a replay based on past conditioning. Mind always automatically interpret and react based on habitual automatic pattern which is strengthening the pattern and creating more suffering because it is trap and caught in it. It is not knowing that it is a replay and mind is dependent and trusting thought-sanna-vedana.

Why I say it's a replay because when the condition is there, it automatically can be recognised immediately. If it is something new the mind is like puzzle, what is this and it is curious to know and trying to find out because it cannot recognise.

Knowing seeing and recognising it is a replay, it is just an appearance not so real and solid. By knowing and seeing it, it is withering away.

Bhante am I seeing this correctly?

The sinus sensation is gross and unpleasant and when the  sensation breaks up it is no more unpleasant.

Also notice that fear, impatient and desire have its own specific nature and character. Learning to recognise each mental factors has its own kind of specific nature, it become interesting.

Knowing seeing all these flows of sense experiences and how everything is interacting with each other and how it's processes are based on past conditioning and present circumstances, the immediate knowing and seeing of all these flows and it is not continuing feeding or participating in it, this helps to wither or end the process.

Would appreciate Bhante's guidance and advice.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

with mettā,

23th April, 2016

Dear Bhante,

The sinus congestion is getting serious, not really knowing what is the right things do. Just trust the doctor.

Notice that what the mind is holding on to is actually the idea and the meanings. It's names and meanings of the past perceptions, feelings, images, sorrow, imagining, thinking and fear of the worst thing might happen. All this is held by the mind and it is thinking about it. Anything the mind hold on it's just and idea, a thought.

The only freedom is when the mind is able to drop completely this whole bundle of thoughts, perceptions and it's meaning and just stay at knowing and seeing whatever is actually happening in the now. There are only different intensities of sensations and phenomena arising and passing away non stop. Everything that arises, seen and it's gone immediately. Actually nothing can be hold on, it's only an appearance of phenomena arising and passing away instaneously.

Thoughts, feelings or perceptions that pops up, whatever that is related to it, whether it is long past or immediate past, it will automatically connect it by itself. Not seeing all this connections mind will automatically involved and prolong the never ending  stories.
Knowing and seeing it moment to moment, it is breaking up this program habitual pattern and its connection.

The natural qi is always there clearing the blockages non stop. Now I can understand why the natural qi moves so vigorously, the  CT Scan shows that the congestion is serious.

Would appreciate very much Bhante's advice and guidance and is this mind seeing it correctly?.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

Sadhu for the sharing, GE.
with mettā,

24th April, 2016

Dear Bhante,

This morning mediation have a clearer view. It's like this mind and body is like a machine already run by a condition program system which is based on past conditioning.

By knowing and seeing and not much thinking, there is extra energy for natural qi to function.

Desire is impatient, expecting, projecting and it do not trust this condition program system. Desire will imagine, project according to what it want and when the desire is not met, it will quiet down and the condition program system will automatically take over again.

When defilement of like, dislike and preferences interferes, it is using a lot of energy wanting or pushing it away, not accepting what is actually in the now.

It's interesting this knowing and seeing can see how this condition program work by itself.

Would appreciate Bhante's advice and guidance whether it is seeing correctly.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

Thanks for sharing, GE.
with mettā,

Thank you so much Bhante for all the guidance and advice.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

26th April, 2016

Dear Bhante,

There seems to be no real life. The mind and body is already run by an automated condition program system.

Due to certain conditionality sense experiences automatically arises. Have no choice to stop it from arising, every little moment it is fully conditioned. When one know it, it has already arisen.

It is becoming more and more obvious that past perception and feelings arises simultaneously. Not recognising it, the next moment mind will automatically modifies it according to what it like or dislike.

Knowing and seeing this flow of river, it is like breaking up the continuity of automatic habit of acting, reacting and responding.

Bhante can knowing seeing break up this flow of continuity acting and reacting?

Would appreciate Bhante's advice, guidance whether this mind is seeing correctly?
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean

Sure, GE. You're on the right track. Just keep going.
with mettā,

So happy, thank you very much Bhante for giving me the confidence and guiding me to the right track.
Sadhu Sadhu.
With gratitude, respect, mettā,
Gim Ean