Metta Lodge Pusat Buddhist, Johor
26, Jalan Rengas, Taman Melodies, Johor.
West Malaysia
Brief History of Metta Lodge
Metta Lodge was started by a group of enthusiastic Buddhists in the early 80’s through the bond of fellowship and a desire to learn and practise the teachings of our Lord Buddha, as well as to acquire knowledge and skills in meditation.
It was officially registered with the Registrar of Societies on 7/1/1982 (thirty-four years to-date).
During the first 5 years (from 1982 – 1987), we had to operated without a fixed premise. We were required to move from one rented house to another. Realising that this could not go on indefinitely, it was then decided that a permanent home be bought for the centre. With limited financial support from members/well wishers, we finally managed to acquire its present premise, a double- storey building, at
No. 26, Jalan Rengas, Taman Melodies, 80250 Johor Bahru.
Since then, Metta lodge has stamped a mark of love and trust in the hearts of many Buddhists in Johor Bahru. Its membership as well as activities managed by volunteers, have continued to expand at an unexpectedly promising tempo.
Who we are.
When a permanent home was finally established for Metta Lodge, it was noticed that there was a thirst amongst members and well-wishers for the Dhamma to be taught in English and because of this, Metta Lodge started to thrive and flourish as it was the first and only English speaking centre on Theravada Buddhism in Johor Bahru. Since then it has achieved much in promoting goodwill and tolerance and in propagating the Buddha's teachings. Its many activities include Dhamma talks, Dhamma discussions, fellowship activities, Dhamma classes for children and adults. singing classes, Mandarin classes, full and new moon services, Buddhist celebrations and activities such as Vesak Day, Sanghika Dana and many others.
Metta Lodge has a membership of wide spectrum of lay-people. This includes housewives, senior-citizens, university - undergraduates, doctors, engineers, lawyers, teachers, website-designers and other professionals thus achieving one of its objectives of sharing the Dhamma for the benefit of people from all walks of life
Membership Fee
Ordinary member RM12/ a year
Life member RM100/ (one time payment after 3 years as ordinary member)
To cater to the needs of its members and well-wishers, Metta Lodge provides the following weekly activities:
8 pm to 10 pm Chanting lessons (Every 2nd & 4th Mon)
Singing lessons (Every 1st & 3rd Mon)
8 pm to 10 pm Live Video Streaming & Meditation practice (Guided by Ajahn Cagino)
8 pm to 10 pm Pali Lessons led by Bro Lim Tuan Chit. (1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month)
8 pm to 10 pm Dhamma & Fellowship with Dr Wong Yin Onn
6.30 pm to 8 pm Mandarin lessons conducted by Sis Chan Seow Lin
7.15 pm to 9 pm Dhamma Talk by Ajahn Anan via video conference.
9 am to 11.30 am- MJ Club Activities/ Adult -Dhamma class/Health Talk/Public Speaking sessions
11.30 am to 12.30 pm
Free tuition for students of primary and secondary schools.
9 am 11 am Puja (Paritta Chanting) & Meditation
2 pm to 4 pm Group events led by Samuha Group coordinator Sis Siow Yoke Ling once a month.
Events for Dhamma kaki or senior-citizens such as round-table meetings to discuss the Dhamma, current issues, hobbies, tour experiences n other topics of interest.
Once a week gathering with pot-luck cuisines & coffee/tea drinking.
Waze location:
Metta Lodge website
8 pm to 10 pm
Chanting lesson by Bro Allan Ang
- every 2nd and 4th Monday of the Month

Singing Lesson by
Bro Yong Ah Alik and Sis Jenny Lai
- every 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month
Hymn Singing Group
For details contact:
Bro Cheong +60 16-768 5306
For details contact:
Bro Cheong +60 16-768 5306
Time 8 pm to 10 pm
Meditation practice for beginner or regular yogi every Tuesday at 8.00 pm
Guided by Bhante Mahacara
Meditation is a wholesome practice to be done daily. We look forward to your participation in this beneficial practice.
8 pm to 10 pm
Pali Lessons led by Bro Lim Tuan Chit.
(1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month)
8 pm to 10 pm
Dhamma & Fellowship with Bro Dr Wong Yin Onn
For details contact:
Bro Lock +60127642075
6.30pm to 8 pm
Mandarin lesson by Sis Chan Seow Lin
7.15 pm to 9 pm
Dear Members & friends,
Dhamma Talk by Tan Ajahn Anan -
Live from Wat Marp –Every Friday
This session will be available on every Friday unless advised otherwise.
We would like to encourage all members and friends not to miss the session.
Meditation starts at 7.15 pm, followed by chanting at 8.00 pm.
There will be a Q and A session after the talk. (Please prepare your question before you come for the talk)
The Meditation and Chanting will be led by the Venerables at Wat Marp Jan
via video conference
For further info, please contact :
Bro Patrick +60167036923
Bro Kee +60 12763 7268
In January 2016, the video Dhamma session will take place on Friday 8th and 29th only. Please take note. Metta
MJ club Activities/ Adult Dhamma Class / Health Talk & etc..
9.00 am to 11.00 am
11-30 am to 12-30 pm
Free Tuition
Registration for MJ club on
9/1/16 Sat 9- 10am.
Our name: Metta Joy club (MJ club)
Our motto: METTA (Loving Kindness) -
A Great Way To Live
Our objective:
To practise what METTA stands for.
M Metta, Morality, Mindfulness
E Right Effort
T Truthfulness
T Transformation
A Activities
Age of students: 7 - 18 years old.
For enquiry:
Sis Lim Siok Cheng 016 7251589
Sis Yen Miau Jong 019 7025390
Sis Kho Jit Keau 019 7767738
MJ Club Registration Day
Date : 9/1/2016 (Sat)
9.00am - Puja
9.30am - Registration
10.30am- Parents/guardians/ teachers meeting and games for students.
( compulsory for parents/guardians and students to attend)
11.30am - Light refreshment
⚪Registration fees for each child - RM50
⚪ T-shirt - RM20 a piece.
⚪Dhamma materials - RM10
Age of students: 7-18 years old
Limited places available.
Do come early to register on that day.
With metta
Sis Kho/Sis Yen
Orientation briefing for MJ Club 2016 students.
Dear parents/ teachers in the MJ Club.
Pls indicate when you are able to offer refreshment ( simple food) at 10.30 am for the children ( est 20 +)on the following days.
Pls contact Sis Wendy 012 2909220 / 016 2781608 / 012 7779023
Jan 23rd
Feb 27th
Mar 26th
Apr 2nd
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.
Thank you.
Free Tuition
Bro & Sis,
Teachers are giving Free Tuition every Saturday at Metta Lodge being part of our welfare service to help student of ML members weak in their study.
Time: 11.15am to 12.30pm
1) B.M. Std 5 & 6. By Sis Yoke Ling (student will be train to write essay)
2) English Std 4. By Sis Joanne
3) Chemistry Form 4, 5 & 6. By
Sis Yen
4) Mathematics Form 4 & 5 by
Sis Siok Cheng.
For inquiries please contact:
Sis Yoke Ling
013 7201054
Sis Joanne
012 7239181
Sis Yen
019 7025390
Sis Siok Cheng
016 7251589
With metta
Bro & Sis,
Metta Lodge Annual CNY Sing along is on 20/2/16 (Saturday) ML members who wish to invite our singing group & MJ club children to their house warming & fellowship please contact Bro Looi Hp +60127992755 for registration.
9th DECEMBER, 2015
8.00-9.00 pm (SATURDAY)
Once again, to usher in the New Year, and to pray for Peace, Harmony and Stability, Aloka Foundation (Bhante Mahinda) and the Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia (BMSM) are jointly organizing the 5th year’s 24-hour Metta event at Samadhi Vihara, at 1B, Jalan Pegaga U12/8, Section U12, Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Raja, 40170 Shah Alam, Selangor on December 19 and 20, 2015 (Saturday and Sunday);
Metta Lodge JB will be participating the 24 hour Metta Chanting on 19 Dec, 15 at 8 pm-9 pm ( Saturday) time slot (offsite). We invite members to join us to chant the Karaniya Metta Sutta (Discourse on Loving Kindness) for 1 hour for metta cultivation and share merit to pray for world's peace, harmony and stability at our premises.
Photos of participating Buddhist Society in last year 24 hrs Metta Chanting
I'm enjoying 【24hrmetta | illuminate the world with metta】 |
Watch "2015 - 24HrMetta. Date 19-20 December 2015"
on YouTube -
Photos of events around the world
Bro & sis,
Maha Sadhu to Sis Doris for organising an events
"Love & Peace" High Tea cum Foral Exhibition & Show
at Grand Blue Wave Hotel Johor Bahru on 12th March, 16 (Saturday)
at 2.00 pm to raise Funds for Metta Lodge Building at Johor Jaya.
A total of 25 tables are plan for this events. 20 tables are already taken up and only 5 tables remain. We need 20 sponsor (RM5K will have 1 table free & RM3K will have 2 tickets free) for ribbon cutting & items for lucky draws.
We hope Metta Lodge members can give their full support for the events. For booking tables, sponsor ribbon cutting & items for lucky draws kindly contact :
Bro Heng Chai Teet 0167611666
Bro Lim Hock Teck 0127942417
Sis Doris Looi 0127273911
Photos of the events:
Love & Peace Charity cum Floral Exhibition and Show
By Sis Doris Looi on 12th March ,2016
Photos By Ler Travel Dairy
Photos By Eddie Low
Photos By Kayling Tan
Photos By Dr Woon
Love & Peace Flower Exhibits
Love & Peace Floral Exhibition & Show
Upcoming 2016 events
1 Ajahn Cagino will be coming on
the 12/2/16 to Metta Lodge. It's a Friday & if Ajahn Anan talk is not on then Ajahn Cagino will give talk. On
Sat morning Pindapat at Tmn Melodies hawkers centre and Dana Metta lodge , after that Ajahn will travel to Muar
2 Bhante Raja will be giving talk & chanting instructions starting March 2016 onward. 1st Saturday night of every month at 8 pm and back Sunday morning before 1pm. Will reconfirm when the date near.
3 Ayasma Aggacitta will conduct a one day workshop on 12th July, 2016 Title: "How to Diminish the effects of Bad Kamma"
For Registration contact Bro Lock: +60127642075
Bro & Sis,
The Samuha Group will be organising a 1 1/2 day meditation retreat at the lodge. Programme will be conducted in mandarin as follows:
Date 19 - 20/3/16
Guided by - Bhante Jotipanno of Dhamma Light Pontian.
Please register with Sis Yoke
Ling +60 13-720 1054 by whatsapp.
日期 : 19 - 20/3/16
导师 : 笨珍法光禅修林 慧光法师
星期六 19/3
3.00pm - 诵经/三皈五戒
3.15pm - 开示:
4. 30pm - 静坐时所应注意的事项
5. 00pm - 静坐
6. 00pm - 散会。
星期日 20/3
9.15am - 诵经/三皈五戒
9.30am - 静坐
10.45am - 供僧
12.00pm - 休息/自修
1. 00pm - 开示
2. 30pm - 茶点
3. 00pm - 静坐
4. 15pm - 问与答
6. 00pm - 功德回向
Not in ML whatsapp group? Pls fill the online form:
Maha Sadhu to Sis Doris for organising an events
"Love & Peace" High Tea cum Foral Exhibition & Show
at Grand Blue Wave Hotel Johor Bahru on 12th March, 16 (Saturday)
at 2.00 pm to raise Funds for Metta Lodge Building at Johor Jaya.
A total of 25 tables are plan for this events. 20 tables are already taken up and only 5 tables remain. We need 20 sponsor (RM5K will have 1 table free & RM3K will have 2 tickets free) for ribbon cutting & items for lucky draws.
We hope Metta Lodge members can give their full support for the events. For booking tables, sponsor ribbon cutting & items for lucky draws kindly contact :
Bro Heng Chai Teet 0167611666
Bro Lim Hock Teck 0127942417
Sis Doris Looi 0127273911
Photos of the events:
Love & Peace Charity cum Floral Exhibition and Show
By Sis Doris Looi on 12th March ,2016
Photos By Ler Travel Dairy
Photos By Eddie Low
Photos By Kayling Tan
Photos By Dr Woon
Love & Peace Flower Exhibits
Love & Peace Floral Exhibition & Show
Upcoming 2016 events
1 Ajahn Cagino will be coming on
the 12/2/16 to Metta Lodge. It's a Friday & if Ajahn Anan talk is not on then Ajahn Cagino will give talk. On
Sat morning Pindapat at Tmn Melodies hawkers centre and Dana Metta lodge , after that Ajahn will travel to Muar
2 Bhante Raja will be giving talk & chanting instructions starting March 2016 onward. 1st Saturday night of every month at 8 pm and back Sunday morning before 1pm. Will reconfirm when the date near.
3 Ayasma Aggacitta will conduct a one day workshop on 12th July, 2016 Title: "How to Diminish the effects of Bad Kamma"
For Registration contact Bro Lock: +60127642075
Bro & Sis,
The Samuha Group will be organising a 1 1/2 day meditation retreat at the lodge. Programme will be conducted in mandarin as follows:
Date 19 - 20/3/16
Guided by - Bhante Jotipanno of Dhamma Light Pontian.
Please register with Sis Yoke
Ling +60 13-720 1054 by whatsapp.
日期 : 19 - 20/3/16
导师 : 笨珍法光禅修林 慧光法师
星期六 19/3
3.00pm - 诵经/三皈五戒
3.15pm - 开示:
4. 30pm - 静坐时所应注意的事项
5. 00pm - 静坐
6. 00pm - 散会。
星期日 20/3
9.15am - 诵经/三皈五戒
9.30am - 静坐
10.45am - 供僧
12.00pm - 休息/自修
1. 00pm - 开示
2. 30pm - 茶点
3. 00pm - 静坐
4. 15pm - 问与答
6. 00pm - 功德回向
Not in ML whatsapp group? Pls fill the online form: